Chapter 12

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I left the house, dragging a massive bag behind me, and Ini was waiting for me by the gate.

"I'll help, that looks cumbersome," she offered, and I nodded. I narrowly avoided smashing two glasses and a vase on the way out. I lifted it up and laid one end over her outstretched arms, before adjusting my grip on the other end.

I had decided to perform for Libby's friend, who I learned, was called Sienna. I had my hair pulled back into a ponytail, and had a simple white dress folded in my handbag. I would get ready when I got there. I was going to perform Snow White Princess Is as I had the dance memorised and also because it was one of my favourite songs.

Me and Ini walked at the same pace. She was going to be my support, getting everything ready before the party started while I was getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup.

Not that it would last for long, because half-way through the song, I would switch to Vocaloid Form, using my magic to make a spectacular display, therefore surprising the birthday girl.

"Thank god the party was only down the road." I started to wheeze, as I tried to get my breath back. The bag had begun to weigh down on me. I stood up straight and headed straight for the back where Libby was waiting.

"Um... what's with the bag?" she asked, and I smiled.

"I actually went out and bought a microphone stand," I answered, and she rolled her eyes.


"In the song I'm performing, the dance involves the microphone stand," I explained. "While we're on that topic, can you create a clear area to the top right? Near the end, I need to throw the microphone stand in that direction!"

"Right, I needed to cordon off an area for the stage. The DJ will be on the left-hand side!" she explained, and Ini decided to head into the hall after hearing the information. She would be talking with the DJ and setting up the lights to make sure the performance looks stunning and goes perfectly.

"I need to sort my hair, makeup and outfit out for the beginning." I had told Libby my plans through text. She nodded and pointed to the bathroom. I changed into the dress and wore a pair of white ballet slippers I had borrowed from Ini. The ribbons looked perfect with the sleeves. Not that the shoes really mattered.

I looked in the mirror and meticulously applied makeup to my face. Not much, just some foundation, lip-gloss, mascara and eyeliner. I left the bathroom after finishing the miraculous cat-eye.

"Do you have the curling iron?" I asked Libby and she handed it to me by the handle, as she already had it plugged in and heated up. Ini walked through a couple of seconds later and said the first guests had arrived, meaning I had half an hour to finish. I curled my hair and tugged hard at the curls to make them more natural before setting it with hair spray.

I sat on one of the chairs, running over the routine in my head as the time approached. At 7:55pm Libby walked into the hall and according to the speaker, had started talking into the microphone.

"Hello, I have one thing to say. In just a couple of minutes we'll have a surprise guest performing a song for us. Please welcome Mia Gale!" I stood up and walked towards the door, hearing audible gasps. I went through the door, took the microphone from Libby and slid it onto the microphone stand.

"I'm here to perform Snow White Princess Is, for the birthday girl, Sienna!" I announced, and she went red as I spoke her name. The DJ began the track, and I began the dance, readying my voice. I breathed in and began to sing "Kagami yo kagami yo kagami-san."

Libby was looking excited and I controlled my voice to be as close to Meiko as possible, doing the dance perfectly. Sienna looked surprised, possibly due to the fact I sounded close to Meiko.

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