Chapter 15

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Third-Person POV


Ini stepped into the library and met with Rachel and Louis at the back of the library. Their hands were linked and Rachel was giggling at something Louis had just said to her. Ini smiled at the happy couple, thinking of her own Soulmate, the Vocaloid Actor of Arsloid.

"Hey, Ini, where's Mia?" Rachel said, distinguishing her immediately from Mia. Well, she was wearing a pink shirt, a white tie and trousers and wore a white leather jacket over top. She switched jackets from that morning, which was way colder.

"Talking with Elliot outside, she should join us in a minute," Ini explained, looking back at her twin for a couple of seconds before she turned back to Rachel. "Can you believe that our Sociology teacher still mixes us up?"

"No way?! Considering how different you two are..." Rachel was clearly in awe.

"Hey, where's Mia gone?" Louis interrupted. Ini turned back and noticed Elliot was staring up at the sky. Two seconds later, a truly bone-chilling scream rattled through the library. This caused everyone including the Vocaloid Actors to charge from the library.

Elliot ran inside, almost crashing into Ini. "Ini, it's Mia! She's...!" This caused Ini to speed up. Her ears still rung with that terrifying scream, which, based on what Elliot was telling her, seemed to belong to Mia. She burst through the library door, and saw Mia falling from the sky. Her wings were all skin and bone which was disappearing as she was watched.

A sudden plume of fire burst against Mia's hand, before disappearing just as fast. She fell fast and hit the floor with a crash, scraping against the concrete for a few feet before she came to a stop.

"Mia!" Ini yelled. She ran to her side, but Mia didn't seem to notice her. She was crying and puking simultaneously and Ini had to jump to the side to avoid Mia's regurgitated breakfast. Everyone was yelling for the nurse or the headmistress and Mia's head lolled against the asphalt and finally fell quiet.

Ini dropped to her knees and began assessing the situation. Mia was flying at some point, considering she had fallen from the sky. But what didn't make sense was why her wings had just disappeared. And what was with that plume of fire on her hand?

This was when Ini checked Mia's condition. Mia must have fallen unconscious. She first checked the hand from which the fire had emerged. She saw that the back of Mia's right hand was badly burned. She checked her other hand, which bore no mark. Ini's heart began to race. 'Where's Mia's Soulmate Mark?!' she thought desparately.

That question kept nagging at her as she assessed the rest of Mia's body. She had scrapes on her arms and legs when she scraped against the ground, but, thankfully, no broken bones. She was surprised at that, considering the distance Mia had fallen. Her gaze was drawn to Mia's back. Her red hoodie was torn, which didn't make any sense. Clothes immediately repaired themselves around their wings.

She took the tears in the hoodie and ripped them open, to reveal a wider section of her back. Ini's body bent over Mia's body to protect her from any prying stares. Ini traced the wing holes, just below the shoulder blades, and noticed many thin scars crisscrossing over each other all down her back. Judging by the colour, they were old scars and nothing to worry about.

Ini yelped when she noticed blood coat her finger where she traced the wing holes. Mia was bleeding from where her wings emerged. It was like her wings no longer existed. Ini laid her on her stomach to prevent any more bleeding.

"Ini, is Mia okay?" Rachel cried as she ran to join them.

"No! There's many things I don't understand!" Ini got back to her feet and extended a magic forcefield around her, Mia, Rachel and Louis to keep the spectators away from Mia's body. "Her Soulmate Mark has disappeared, and she's bleeding from her wing holes, like they no longer exist."

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