Hanahaki AU - Part 1

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I hovered in the air as Kevin ranted at me. He was going on and on about me cheating on him and how he could never forgive me. My heart was feeling heavy and I had a feeling it was about to break. Half of the school was looking up and watching us.

I tried to explain myself, but I couldn't get a word in edgeways.

"Kevin!" I finally yelled to shut him up. "I never cheated on you!"

He looked at me with a fierce hatred in his eyes. He spoke and my heart shattered. "You're a liar! I saw you! I'm rejecting you!" He flew off, leaving several feathers in his wake. I tried to chase after him, but noticed the abnormal amount of feathers falling down around me. It was then I realised that I was losing height.

I looked at my wings in concern, before my expression changed to horror as I saw the feathers molting. Very soon, all that was left was the muscle and sinew, which withered away just as quickly. I let out a scream as I hit the floor, a burning pain pulsing against my right hand.

I choked and had a horrible coughing fit, freeing something lodged in my throat, which left me in tears. I watched in total confusion as light blue petals began fluttering in front of my eyes. Ini immediately ran to my side and tried to comfort me as Rachel and Louis watched from some distance away.

I gave another yelp as I felt a sharp pain in between my shoulder blades. Right where my wings would emerge.

"My back!" Ini immediately checked my back and gave a gasp.

"Blood! Your wing holes are bleeding! Mia, may I rip your hoodie open at the back to take a closer look?"

I nodded and let more tears fall as Ini examined my back. "These scars... where did they come from?"

The memory seemed to trigger more coughing and I could feel something inching its way up my throat. I coughed it up and caught it in my hand. Several more light blue petals rested against my fingers. I looked at them in complete disbelief.

When I was sure I got everything out of my throat, I explained the accident that me and Kevin had, what the doctor had done and how we escaped. I had to take one break to cough up a couple more petals.

Why was I coughing up flower petals? How did they get in my throat to begin with?

"Um, Ini?" Rachel approached us. "I think our main concern is why Mia suddenly started coughing up flower petals."

"What?!" She looked at the petals that scattered onto the asphalt.

As to prove the point, I coughed up one more petal which drifted away on the wind.

"Go home, we'll tell the teachers what happened," Louis advised us and I nodded, agreeing whole-heartedly. My throat had dried up from my crying and was starting to burn from the numerous petals I had somehow managed to cough up.

Ini helped me to my feet.

"Wait! Mia, your band!" Rachel yelped, pointing to my right wrist. I looked at my beautiful red band, only to see several tears dotted through the, what was meant to be, magically protected fabric, which seemed to be growing bigger by the minute.

"Take it off!" Louis ordered and I immediately complied, slipping it over my fingers. I brought the band closer to my face to examine it closer. The tears had seemed to stop growing and I figured that the deterioration only occurred while the band remained on my wrist.

I shivered uneasily as it seemed that I lost everything that defined me as a Vocaloid Actor in the last several minutes. My Soulmate, my wings, my band and even my mark as all that was left on my right hand was an ugly burn mark.

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