Chapter 6

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I put my hair up in a high ponytail, and I had toast in my mouth. I was running late as I overslept for 20 minutes. I had to leave the temporary hair dye as we weren't allowed it in school. I tried to make myself as inconspicuous as possible. I usually leave my hair down, so it is different, and I grabbed the blue-framed fake glasses, and checked myself in the mirror. I certainly don't look like myself.

"Mia, hurry up, you need to leave in five minutes!" my mum yells, and I hurriedly finish my toast and coffee, slip my shoes on, and grab my bag. She hands me my lunch that she made as I ate and got dressed.

I was hoping to wear my contact lenses, but I didn't have time to put them on. I grab my keys and my coat, put it on and dash from the door to meet with Rachel. She has her contact lenses in, and a single blue streak through her hair.

"Weird seeing you with green eyes," I commented, as I did my coat up. "Still big as always, though."

"Can't change that, I'm afraid," she replied. "Shame my hair is so distinctive. I tried pinning up my fringe another way, but it didn't change much." I looked at her closer and noticed all her fringe was swept over to one side instead of being parted. "That's why I tried using the temporary hair dye."

"You'll be breaking the rules." She shrugged, before taking the pink hair dye from her bag and spraying another streak through her hair.

"Don't care, rather get a detention, then get mobbed," she said defiantly. She shook the can. "Want some?"

"Go on, then," I answered, and she sprayed a streak through my ponytail. I took a hand-mirror from my bag and checked it out. I wasn't a fan of the light pink, but it worked. I'd prefer darker colours. "I look a little like Kokone with this pink."

"You do, actually!" Rachel commented. "People may think you are the Vocaloid Actor for Kokone at this rate."

"Ugh, don't I already have enough responsibility, being Meiko and Sakine Meiko." I lowered my voice to a whisper, hoping to not draw attention to myself too early. No one has approached us yet.

We watched a moving van pull up across the street, followed by a car.

I rose my eyebrows. "Didn't hear about anyone moving in."

"Me neither," she replied, watching the van pull up outside number 60, almost opposite to my house. "They'll live two houses down from me!"

"Cool." I left it at that, and we continued to school.

I walked through the gates and let out a yawn. "I hate school," I said, rubbing my eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"You Mind-Messaged me this morning, saying you woke up 20 minutes late, and you're still tired?" Rachel asked and I nodded. I held a strap of my bag with one hand and put my other hand in my pocket.

People approached me instantly, and my anxiety immediately crept up. "Come on, Mia!" Rachel yelled, taking my hand and running from the crowd that had started to surround her.

"Let me see your wings!" "Please, just a bit of magic!" "Autographs!" Their voices blended together and made no sense as me and Rachel kept running. They were pursuing us, and I was already breathing heavily. My hair flew out behind me, and Rachel held onto my hand tightly. Louis joined us a few seconds later, running from his own crowd of fans.

"This is nuts!" he said, taking hold of Rachel's other hand. She was in front of us still. "They've been hounding us non-stop ever since the secret was revealed!"

"Considering Vocaloid was practically unknown before that happened," I panted, as I tried to keep up with Rachel, who was practically dragging me at this point.

Secrets Revealed (Book #3 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now