Epilogue - Part 2

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"Miaaaaa!" a young voice squealed and someone latched themselves around my waist. I looked down and saw blonde hair with a lavender streak.

"Hello, Leia," I replied, releasing my kids hands to stroke Leia's hair until she let go of me. For some odd reason, Maryann's and Lucy's daughter loved me. She had just turned eight years old. I bent down and noticed pink and blue highlights in her hair. "I love your hair."

She grinned in response before she disappeared into the crowd to find her other friends that were closer to her age.

I heard yelling beside me and immediately turned to hold Lily back from attacking her three-year old cousins, Oliver and Mimi. I turned my gaze up to meet Ini's eyes. She had just grabbed Oliver, while Aiden grabbed Mimi and we were all holding them back from tearing each other apart.

Mimi had ginger hair, which definitely came from her father's side and her eyes were light green, while Oliver had black hair and brown eyes.

"They're still mad?" I asked, as Lily struggled to free herself from my grasp.

"Yes, and it looks like Lily is also in a bad mood," Ini replied, and all four of us, which also included Kevin, remembering the fateful incident. This was when our children visited each other and were playing on the twins' playstation (except for Allen, who was reading a book).

A fight had begun over the results of one of their games. It culminated in Lily's nose getting broken after she received a controller to her face and the TV getting smashed after she threw a controller at it in retaliation.

After we separated the kids and got the damage fixed (and both the twins and Lily had gone through their punishments), they had a permanent hatred for each other. Thankfully, since Allen wasn't involved in the conflict, he was tolerated by the twins.

"Lily, behave!" I hissed. She stopped struggling but still shot glares at the twins.

"Mimi, Oliver, stop acting like this!" Aiden demanded, his voice sharp and angry.

They both shot Lily angry looks before breaking from their parent's grasps. They walked in the opposite direction followed by Allen, who had been trying to resolve the grudge for the three months it has been going on.

"Oh, typical. Allen sides with them, instead of me, his own sister!" Lily complained.

"Well, if you hadn't thrown a controller through the TV, none of this would have happened!"

"Oliver broke my nose, while Mimi egged him on!" she snapped back.

"Well, that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't accused Mimi of cheating," I explained. She just turned away from me in a huff. I looked at Kevin beseechingly. 

"I'll watch Lily, you go find Allen," he tiredly said, running his hand through his already messy hair.

I began to weave through the crowd, keeping an eye out for his dark brown hair and dark grey eyes. I bumped into a familiar face as I searched.

"Racquelle!" I looked at the pink-haired Vocaloid Actor who bumped into me as she was heading in another direction with someone in tow. "Olivia!"

"Oh, Mia! Nice to see you!" Racquelle replied, coming to a stop with Olivia still in hand. I looked at the lavender glow around their wrists, only to notice something else glittering on their hands. They were wearing beautiful rings that the light bounced off. "Me and Olivia got engaged about a month ago!"

"Well done, you two. I wondered when you would pop the question." I mainly aimed this at Olivia, who was the one who was going to pop the question.

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