Chapter 19

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Mia's POV (from this chapter onwards)

~One week later

I was rudely awoken by a pillow to the face.

"Ini! What the hell?!" I asked, bringing the cushion I was hugging up to shield my face from another blow.

"You lazy bum! Get up already!" she replied, raining down blows on other parts of my body. I instinctively brought my quilt up to cover the rest of my body. "It's 10:00am you know!"

Already? I swore I had just fallen asleep. I threw off the covers and climbed out of bed, aiming to make it to the bathroom. Ini had other ideas and slammed me across the stomach with the same pillow. I grabbed a pillow and used it to defend myself as I made my way to the door. I caught her on her legs and she stumbled. I wasn't even able to make it outside, before she caught me on the bum and started a full on pillow fight.

We both climbed onto our beds and started swiping at each other. I whacked her on the left side of her head, causing her head to snap to the right. She was able to turn back to me quickly enough and swiped at me. I ducked to avoid the blow to the head and used the springs in my mattress to help me bounce over the pillow aimed at my feet.

I got her in the stomach and she felt sideways onto her bed. I got off my bed and continued whacking her with the pillow while she was down. I wasn't able to predict her arm shooting out and grabbing my pillow from my hands. I didn't let that stop me. I grabbed both of the remaining pillows on each bed.

I quickly climbed back onto my bed and got myself out of her range. I swung each pillow to deflect her swipes. We were beginning to throw pillows at each other when the door opened. Ini had thrown both pillows she had at the same time.

One hit my legs, making me fall and whack my head on the wooden headboard. I blinked the stars out of my eyes and looked up at Mum. Considering the pillow at her feet, I guessed the other pillow hit her.

I smirked and waited for the explosion, but what happened in reality was even better. She picked up the pillow, considered it for a second, than faster than I could have predicted, threw the pillow at Ini and caught her square in the face, making her stumble back and fall onto her bum.

"Now, that you two have finished this pillow fight, I have something to tell Mia," she stated, as if nothing had happened. Ini was looking at her in complete shock, but I saw a bit of respect in her gaze. "Also, Mia, is your head alright? You whacked it rather hard on your headboard."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I confirmed, still feeling disoriented. I placed both palms of my hands on either side of my head, just above my ears. I sent healing magic through my head to shake off the dizziness. When I felt better, I looked up at Mum with curiosity. "What did you have to tell me?"

"Well, I would rather discuss it outside with someone who turned up this morning," she explained, maintaining my curiosity. Who came to our house to talk about me? "Also, Ini, care to explain why a red-haired man called Aiden knocked on our door this morning, asking about you?"

Ini flared an impressive shade of red, and dashed out of the room in embarrassment. "Aiden, what are you doing here?!" I heard her yell from the hallway. "And why are you also here?"

"That would be the special guest," Mum confirmed. "I might as well invite him in here, as Ini's now in the hallway."

I had a mini heart-attack when I looked at the state of our room. Ini had multiple books strewn across the floor on her side of her room. I had dirty clothes strewn on my side of the floor. And both of our beds were generally disheveled, with the pillows all over the place.

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