Chapter 7

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Seriously?! That bus had to be late?! I looked towards the horizon, waiting for the double decker to turn off onto my street. Rachel is standing beside me, thoroughly miserable. I can't say I'm surprised; we've been waiting in the torrential rain for the last ten minutes for the bus to turn up.

"Mia, we've been better off just walking to school," she said, as water dripped off the fur in her hood. We were both very concealed with big hoods, casting the top half of our faces with shadows.

"Don't worry, here it is now!" I say, as it turns off, a bright '3' on the front. I remove my purse from my pocket and took the card out. Mum lent me it, as she wasn't at work today. Rachel removed a pound and twenty pence from her purse. We both request a child's single to school.

I flop onto an empty row and place my bag on the seat beside me. Rachel sits opposite me. We both remove our hoods; however, I am wearing my blue contact lenses, and have red and purple streaks through my hair, which looks really cool with the jagged haircut I received a week ago. I have removed the glasses, as they irritated me.

The bus ride took five minutes, and we jumped off. We sped walked to school as we were running late. "Meet me outside Maths, and we can complete our Computer Science homework during second lesson," I asked Rachel as we entered the sixth form block. She nodded and we both dashed off in opposite directions. I took off up the stairs to grab my Maths folder from my locker.

As I was rummaging through my disorganized piles of paper in search of the folder, the bell rang. In desperation, I tossed the piles of paper out to find the folder. I grabbed it, and stuffed everything back in. I should really organize the contents of my locker, but I don't have time to right now.

I took my folder, ran down the stairs, and into main school. I was sprinting towards the stairs, when I slipped on the wet floors. I crashed into someone who had just turned the corner and was running towards the stairs as well.

My folder flew out of my hands and papers scattered everywhere. "Oh, my God! I'm so sorry! I was moving too quickly and slipped," I apologized to the person, as I scrabbled around, trying to gather my papers. I didn't even see the person. I saw a flash of colour and released my band had fallen from my wrist.

I grabbed it and was about to slip it onto my wrist when it was snatched from my hands. I saw another band further up, which was pink. I took that and stood up, expecting to see Racquelle who took my band by accident. However, what I wasn't expecting was to see an identical pair of chocolate brown eyes and the same long brown hair as me. I rubbed my eyes, wondering if I was hallucinating, realising my contact lenses had fallen out. The mystery girl stepped forward and I heard a crack. I winced as I realised, she had just stepped on my contact lenses.

She kept her eyes down as she looked at the band in her hands. They widened as she realised it was red, not pink. She looked up and her eyes widened even more as they met with mine. We swapped our bands and gathered the rest of our papers.

We didn't say a word as I proceeded to Maths. It seemed we had the same class, as she followed me inside. I have never seen her before though. Even if she looked like me.

The teacher did a double take as she turned and saw us. "I knew a new student was joining us, but I didn't realise she would identical to an existing student."

The girl decided to sit beside me, the opposite side to Louis, and broke the silence. "Um, your name is Mia Gale, right?" I wasn't surprised she knew my name, but for a different reason. Her pink band kept niggling at my mind.

I nodded and asked my own question. "You're a Vocaloid Actor, aren't you? I mean, with that band and all?" I studied her face as I asked this. Every aspect was identical to mine. We had the same nose, eye shape and smile. She was dressed differently, with a white skirt, skin-coloured tights, pink shirt and white jacket. Her hair was also tied up into a high ponytail with a gold heart barrette holding back the hair that escaped.

Secrets Revealed (Book #3 of Vocaloid Actors Trilogy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin