Chapter 22

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A/N I said four chapters, I meant five. Completely forgot about this chapter that I am about to write. But more for you, right? Enjoy!


~Seven months later

I was sat on my bed, my laptop on my lap. I had my earphones in, listening to music on YouTube while completing some coding for my Computer Science coursework that I was assigned over the summer, which I may have left very, very late. I was starting my second year of sixth form in two weeks and still have to start my homework for my other two subjects.

Ini was on the other side of the room, her back to the wall, sketching in a thick sketchbook. I learned recently that she wanted to be a fashion designer, but since textiles wasn't a course in sixth form from about five years ago, she had to learn mostly from scratch. In her GCSEs all she made were bags, hats and god knows what else. She has been creating a portfolio of clothes designs to use when applying for an university course in fashion design. She was listening to an audio-book on her phone and all her focus was on her current drawing.

We were both in our pajamas, with messy hair, as we hadn't planned to go out today.

I frowned as I kept getting the same error in my code with no obvious cause. My eyebrows knitted as I scrutinized my code more closely, line by line, in order to find the error. I finally realised that my error wasn't in the block of code that I was expecting. When I scrolled right down to the bottom, I noticed that I had began to type out my racing thoughts instead of the code required to run the program.

The paragraph I managed to type out was pretty impressive and also practically unreadable, with skipped words and phrases, and multiple misspellings. I sighed deeply, turned off my music and work and closed my laptop.

I picked my notebook out of the mess on my bedside table and a pen from the holder. I turned to a page where I had left off when writing a story. I decided to continue my story to calm my thoughts and would be able to focus on complex code again. I chewed the lid of the pen as I thought about how to start the new section.

An idea came to mind, but as I put the pen to the paper, I realised that the pen was out of ink.


"What?!" Ini replied, jerking off her headphones.

"If a pen runs out, throw it away!"

"Oh yeah, Mia?! Well, I keep asking you to stop chewing the lids, but do you listen? No!"

We started arguing about the pens, one of the joys of sharing some of our possessions. We also argued about taking each other clothes. We were both shouting over each other, before we were stopped mid-sentence by our Dad opening the door.

"Ini! Mia! If you are going to argue, do it through Mind-Message! I'm sick of being awoken by you two bickering!" he exclaimed, looking at us irritated.

"You sleep all the time!" both me and Ini snapped back.

"Stop getting on our backs about being noisy," Ini grumbled.

"You two argue way too much," he replied, his voice falling to a tired whisper, before he dragged himself back to the living room.

My eyes met Ini's as we realised what Dad said was true. We also thought it would be in our best interests to try and work things out between ourselves. A loud crack! startled the both of us. Lucy stood there, an excited yet terrified look in her eyes.

We immediately knew what was happening. Every Vocaloid Actor has been on tenterhooks since the month started, waiting for news on their baby. Now, on the 14th of August, it looks like it's now time.

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