Part 1

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Chloe's POV
I awoke sometime in the night, it was cold and still dark out, I got up off the cold hard ground and decided to go for a walk around the city. I had no place to stay and no friends or family to look out for me so I've been living out on the streets. As it slowly became morning, the streets became crowded.

I saw this guy that had dark brown hair and brown eyes, putting his wallet into his coat pocket. I walked by him and accidentally bumped into him and grabbed his wallet without him noticing. I was hungry and had no money what else was I supposed to do? As I was about to get away, I noticed that he realized what just happened and started to look for me. I quickly pushed through the crowd in hopes to get away.

I ran down an alleyway, the man hot on my trail. I saw there was a chain fence at the end of the ally. "Just give me my wallet back and I'll let you leave" the man said, grinning. I looked over at him before I quickly climbed over the fence and ran down the rest of the alley and turned the corner. I made it back to where I was staying at and opened the wallet. I glanced at the ID that read Tony Stark. Sighing I quickly pulled out a $20 bill, grabbed my bag, and walked down the streets. Pulling my hood up to cover my face and clutching my bag tightly, I entered a Dunkin' Donuts and order some food. Paying with the $20, I took my food out and quickly ate.

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