Part 17

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Chloe's POV

All the Avengers were boarding a huge ship, Bucky stood beside me. Steve and Bucky said their goodbyes before Steve and the others left. They should be back within a week, they're just going to check out the base and see if there is any important info they could get. Bucky and I head back inside, not speaking the entire time.

I could tell how upset he was about this whole mission but there wasn't much I could do. Uh what to do, what to do? "Hey, Bucky?" He was in front of me by a few steps,"hm?" "I'm going to go to the store. Do you wanna go with me?" he turns to face me. "Um, sure? Let me go grab some things and then we can leave." I give him a nod and wait in the living room. You're just going to the store, it's not that big of a deal. I try to keep myself relaxed.

He returns shortly after with a glove on, a baseball cap, and his car keys. He was wearing a navy blue long sleeve shirt so you couldn't see his metal arm with the glove on. Steve told me before that Bucky was self conscious about the arm but never why. I didn't feel the need to ask then nor now. "Ready to go?" he asks me with a small smile. "yeah."

We went to the garage and I followed him to a black 1968 Chevy camaro. He opened the door for me before going over to his side. Bucky started the engine and started to drive out of the garage. "So, where are we going?" he kept his eyes in front of him, "to the mall" I smiled at him even though he probably didn't even notice.

He nodded his head and drove off into the streets. The car ride there was silent, but not an awkward silence, the one where you just enjoy the other's presence. Once we pulled into the parking lot and found a spot, we both excited the car and went into the mall. I spotted a Bath and body works once we got in and grabbed Bucky's hand pulling him along with me. I let go of his hand when we entered the shop and went to the therapeutic section. Hm, which should i try? I grabbed a lotion that helped promote sleep.

As I turned my head to ask Bucky his opinion on therapeutic stuff, I saw how nervous he was and that he kept looking around. I know which one. Smiling, I put the one I had in my hand back and grabbed a bottle that helps relieve stress. This should help. I took his normal hand and went to the check out. "If you didn't want to be in public you could've told, you know?" keeping my head forward as I waited, I felt him squeeze my hand slightly. He ducked down so only I could hear him, "You looked so happy to be out, I didn't want to ruin it." I sighed softly as a light blush covered my cheeks at how adorable he was being. "I was just happy to hang out with you."out of the corner of my eyes I saw he had a smirk on his face."Jeez doll, now I feel like an idiot." Fuck you.

We went to the next available cash register and I placed the bottle on the counter, "hi, did you find everything alright?" The cashier was young, maybe 18 or 19, and she seemed very nice. I gave her a nod and handed her the card Tony gave me. She handed it back and quickly put the bottle of lotion into a bag and handed it to us. "Have a great day," "you too." Me and Bucky walk out and he speaks up, "so, where to now?" "the tower." I responded. He stops me from walking and looks at me, "I'm serious Bucky." I cut him off when he opens his mouth. He grins, "ok doll, i'll take you back to the tower."


We were sitting in the living room watching Disney Plus when I got an idea. I got up to run to my room to grab stuff, "where are you going?" Bucky spoke softly from the couch. "To my room to get something, I'll be right back."

I came back with nail polish in hand. Bucky turned to look at me before looking back at the tv, "whatcha got there doll?" I showed him the dark blue nail polish. He glanced up at me with a brow raised, "you're not doing my nails". "Please" I tried to give him my best puppy dog eyes.

He sighed and gave in. "How can you say no to a face like that?" I smiled and sat next to him. I grabbed his right hand and placed it on my thigh so I could open the bottle of red polish. Once I had the nail polish opened, I then picked up his hand and started to get to work on his nails.

A couple minutes later I finished his nails with several layers of nail polish. "All done," I said smiling. "It looks amazing, my turn." He comments while grabbing the bottle with his other hand. I don't say anything as he grabs my hand and tries to do my nails, I just laugh lightly.

So maybe he isn't the best at doing nails, but I didn't mind. Even when he got a lot of it on my skin. "Sorry, it's not as nice as the ones you did." I shake my head and look up at him, "Bucky it's fine. Don't worry about it." he gave me a simple nod before his cell phone Tony gave him went off, startling the both of us. Halfway through the process of him doing my nails, we moved around a bit so we were facing each other and I didnt know who was calling him.

He grabs it with his metal hand, not wanting to ruin the nail polish. He looks down at the caller's ID and answers it. He had the phone away from his face so I knew someone was on facetime with him. "Hey Buck. I just wanted to check in and see how things are with you." It was Steve. I didn't know why but hearing his voice made me feel happy. "Hey punk, we're doing fine. Right Chloe?" He moves so Steve can see both of us. "Y-yeah, we're fine. How are you?" I ask. "I'm fine, we didn't find much. They must have known we were coming cause the whole place was abandoned. We're going to keep investigating and see if we find anything else, maybe a new location or something?"

"Alright, but be careful. Tell the others I said hi too." He gave me a small salute, making me laugh lightly. I tapped Bucky on his shoulder, "hey i'm going to go make us something to eat, ok?" "ok".

Bucky's POV

"Wow Buck, got her cooking for ya already?" Steve joked. I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'm just messing with you, Buck." he laughs. "I know, but be honest with me, do you guys have any leads on where they went?" Steve lets out a sigh. Well this can't be good. "Not yet, Bucky, but when we do I'll let you know. In the meantime, try to relax. I got to go, I'll talk to you later, Buck." "Bye Steve."

HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! Sorry it took so long to update, I was going to update earlier but my bf broke up with me so it took longer since I was recovering. Hope everyone is doing ok.

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