Part 13

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Chloe's POV
I was sitting on my bed, dressed in my pajamas(the image above) and drying my hair with a towel and heard a knock at my door. "it's unlocked" I called out and look over towards the door when I hear it click open.

Natasha walks in and sits down next to me. "So are you going to explain to me what happened with you and Sam?" I could hear the laughter in her voice. "Well we went to a ice cream shop and there was this cute girl, I insisted he got her number and he refused. On the way back he took me to a car wash and opened my window." I say as a matter of fact. She laughs and shakes her head. "His an idiot sometimes. Anyways, you should've seen his face when you left."

We continued to talk for awhile and by the time we had finished, my hair was dry so I put it up into a messy bun and decided to go down stairs to get a small snack.

When I got down there I grabbed some ingredients to make me a sandwich and some chips. I quickly made my sandwich and went to watch tv.

Walking over to the couch I saw Tony, Clint, and Wanda watching a movie in the living room. "Hi guys" A grin appeared on Tony's face when he saw me approaching them. "Hey, Chloe. So are you and the pidgin on good terms, cause I don't wanna clean up after you two." I laughed softly at that, "yeah, we're on good terms, even if he started it and I just made it fair."

I sit down next to Wanda and started eating. A few minutes later, Bucky walked in and decided to sit next to me. I noticed out of the corner of my eye how he would steal glances at the bag of chips, so I moved the bag towards him. He would take a few here and there while we watched tv.

When I went to grab some chips, I accidentally brushed my hand against his. I felt him tense and I could feel the blush on my face.

Quickly moving my hand, I decided to just continue to watching tv and refused to look over at him. Damn it, that was so embarrassing! Mentally face palming myself I got up to go put the dirty dish into the sink. I glanced over at the clock, that read 6:08, and noticed it was still kinda early. I'll just go find something to do.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was reading The Hunger Games in my room and started to get tired. Checking the time I saw it was currently 8:46. Fuck, I should get some sleep before tomorrow. I got in bed and turned of the lamp on my bedside table.

In the morning, I was awoken by the rays of the sun shinning into my room. Sighing I quickly got dressed into some leggings and a cropped top and headed down to the gym.

Steve and Sam where sparring with each other when I entered. Sam went to throw a quick punched at Steve but Steve manged to blocked him before delivering a blow to Sam's stomach, knocking the wind out of him. "You alright there, Sam?" I ask him with a smirk as he holds himself up with his hands on his knees. "" He panted out.

Sam was covered in sweat as he tried to regain his breath. "Morning Chloe" Steve greeted me with a smile. "Good morning Captain" a soft blush appeared on his face but just as quickly as it had appeared, it was gone. "I'm going to take a break, i'll see you guys around." Sam announced before walking out the door.

I turned towards Steve, grinning, "so, you wanna teach me some moves?" Steve smirked at me and replied "only if you're up for it."

A/N -Sorry for not updating in a while, I haven't been really motivated to do so lately. Hoped you enjoyed ❤︎

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