Part three

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Steve's POV
"Im Steve Rodgers" "Chloe" she said shyly. As she stated to walk away, I realized two things: one she doesn't have a place to stay and it's to dangerous to be out at night alone, two she's the girl Tony's been looking for, I couldn't just let her slip through my fingers. I asked her if she needed a place to stay since she clearly doesn't have one. "No thanks, I don't want to bother you". I walk up next to her and smiled warmly."It's no problem, really. If I didn't want you to stay with me, I wouldn't have asked." She looked up at me, thinking about my offer before nodding. "Alright let's get going, it's getting late." I say trying to lighten the mood as we started to head back to the tower.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When we got back to the tower and her eyes widened by the sight. "'s pretty nice, right?" I said laughing softly at her reaction, and continued to walk inside, "this place is more than nice, it's amazing!" She said in awe, "hello mr.rodgers, should I tell mr.stark about your arrival?" She jump when she heard Friday. "No it's fine, Friday." I said calmly, I took her to the elevator and hit the main floor button. The ride up was quiet, when we arrived at the main floor Bucky and Sam were fighting over the TV remote. They stopped fighting and looked at me then at Chloe. Bucky was first to break the silence. "Hey Stevie who is that?" he said while standing up off the couch and making his way over to us. He stoped in front of her and looked down at her. Chloe moved closer to me, seeking some protection. "This is Chloe, Chloe this is Bucky. She's going to be staying with us" I said confidently. Buck looked at me for a brief moment before the sound of The Rookie playing in the background made Bucky look over at the TV, Sam had changed the channel on the TV while I was talking to buck. We saw Sam grinning victoriously while hold the remote. All that Bucky did was smirk sinisterly before lunging at Sam trying to grab the TV remote. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO IDIOTS DOING?!" Tony yelled while Sam and Bucky fought on the floor trying to take the remote from each other. "HE STATED IT!" They both yelled at the same time. Sighing I took the remote from both of them, "if you two are going to act like children then we're going to treat you like children". Tony looked over at Chloe before narrowing his eyes, "Tony, let me explain why she's here" I said stepping beside Chloe. "Please do Rodgers, explain why the hell she's here." Tony said, "I brought her here because you wanted your wallet and because she doesn't have a place to stay." I said calmly. Chloe must of understood what was happening cause she then opened her bag and took out Tony's wallet, handing it to him. Tony grab his wallet and looked at her, "fine, she can stay." He said sighing softly. "But you better not cause any trouble while you're here, understand blue eyes." Chloe nodded quickly before Tony went into the kitchen.

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