Part 4

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Chloe's POV
A women with bright red hair walked into the room talking to a guy with brown hair. "I'm just saying nat, you shouldn't read reviews about a movie before you watch it" "but what if the movie doesn't interests you and you waist your money." The guy with brown hair was about to say something but stopped and looked over at me. "This is Clint and Natasha, guys this is Chloe" Steve said for me, seeing how nervous I was. Natasha smiled and Clint nodded, I just waved shyly. Just then we heard something brake. We turned towards the couch to see a flustered Bucky holding a broken phone in his metal hand and Sam on the floor laughing. "I- I didn't mean-" Bucky was cut off by Tony yelling "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO BARNES!" "Cool it Stark, James didn't mean to" Natasha said walking over to Tony and hitting the back of Sam's head, making him shut up real quick. Tony took the broken phone from Bucky and went to the elevator mumbling something under his breath saying how he always fixes things that they brake. Steve shook his head and walked over to Bucky, "Buck you need to be more careful, I know it was an accident but still" Steve said. "Hey Chloe since your staying here want me to show you to your room?" Natasha said, I nodded and followed her down the hall. When we arrived to my room, I saw a big bed, two doors on either side, which I guess one was a closet, and a window you could see all of New York out of. "Do you wanna take a shower first?" She asked leaning against the wall. "Shower first, please" I say softly, Natasha went to the door on my right, which led to a bathroom. "I'll get you some clean clothes, 'kay" I nodded again as she left. The bathroom was big, it had a glass shower at one end, a bathtub one the other side, a huge mirror, and sink and toilet. As I quickly washed up and got out, I saw that Natasha left a pile of clothes on my bed. I got dressed and brushed my hair, putting it up into a messy bun and headed back to the living room. Sam went to the kitchen to grab a snack, while Steve and Bucky were on the couch talking. I was just standing there, not knowing what to do, not wanting to bother Steve or Bucky. I guess Steve must have noticed because he looked over at me, "hey Chloe wanna watch TV with us" Steve said. "Are you sure?" I say hesitantly, "yeah doll" Bucky says, smiling brightly and makes room for me on the sofa. I slowly make my way over to the couch and sit in between them, blushing softly. We were watching Toy Story when Tony walk in and handed Bucky his phone back after fixing it. "Don't brake it this time Manchurian Candidate, hey I'm ordering take out you guys want any?" Tony said, taking out his phone. "No I'm good" Bucky said "what about you capsicle?" Tony said referring to Steve, "uh sure, Chloe want any?" Steve said turning to look at me, I shook my head no before Tony wall out talking to someone on his phone. We went back to watching the movie for about 40 minutes until Tony came back in with the food he and Steve ordered. Tony sat down on the floor, watching TV with us while he and Steve ate Chinese food.

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