Part 2

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Steve's POV
Me and Bucky we're sitting on the couch watching TV, when Tony walked in mumbling something. Bucky turned and looked at me and I shrugged. "That little slick bitch" "Language" I said sighing afterwards. "Hey Tony, you ok?" Buck asked "No, some bitch stole my wallet" I rolled my eyes and looked over at him, "well what did she look like, maybe we can help you look for her" I suggested. Tony sighed and said "dark brown hair, thin, pale, oh and she had these eyes," Bucky lean forward a bit, paying more attention and waited for Tony to continue. "They were blue on the outside and green on the inside, something about them seemed kinda off." Tony murmured. "She can also move quickly for someone who's been living on the streets".

We split up trying to find the thief, Bucky covering north of New York , Tony covering south and west of New York, and I got east.

An hour or so we decided to give up since it started to get dark, still having no sign of her. I was about to turn and head back to the tower when I saw two men harassing a lady. One was taller then the other and he had one pressed up against the wall so she couldn't leave, the other kept looking her up and down.

"Leave me alone, I don't have any money if that's what you want" said the girl keeping her head down and clutching her bag closer to her chest, "calm down, we're just asking if you want a ride back to your place, darling" one of the men, clearly drunk. "I'll pass" said the girl sharply trying to walk passed them, only to be pushes up against the brick wall again, "hey! We were being nice, you don't have to act like a bitch." the other guy said, getting annoyed. "She told you to leave her alone" I said walking up to the men. They quickly turned to look at me. "Why don't you mind your business, buddy" the taller man slurred and turned back to the girl. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him to face me before punching him in the face, knocking him down on the ground. His friend ran down the alley as he stumbled to get up of the dirty ground before following after him. "Are you ok miss?" I asked the girl, who kept looking down at her feet, refusing to look up. "Um yeah..thanks" she said slowly. I saw she was wearing a hoodie that looked old and dirty, ripped jeans, and black converse. Her hair was tangled and had some dirt in it, she looked really thin. When she glanced up at me through her dark hair, my breath hitched slightly. All I saw was her eyes, her ocean blue eyes.

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