Part 5

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Chloe's POV
About 30 minutes later, I started to get hungry but I didn't want to say anything thinking it might be rude, so I just sat there and continued to watch TV. Tony started to get bored and said he was going down to his lab to continue working, it was just Bucky, me, and Steve left. I quickly glanced at Steve's food before returning my eyes to the TV, hoping he didn't see me, unfortunately luck isn't on my side today cause he chuckled softly before turning to look at me. "Here" Steve said holding his fork up with some beef on it. "N-no it's fine, besides it's your food" I say blushing lightly "it's no problem, really" he says smiling. I sighed giving in and took a bite off his fork. God I feel like a child again, I say in my head as Steve feeds me. I blushed even more when I heard Bucky chuckle behind me. "Hey Stevie don't you think Chloe can feed herself?" I saw Steve blush lightly at Bucky's comment before looking at me. "Sorry" Steve says awkwardly, rubbing the back of his head, "It's fine" I say quietly. Steve gets up to throw the empty dish away. "So doll, do you wanna go to the store tomorrow to get some new clothes for you? We can bring Nat and Steve if you like." Bucky says, grinning. I think for a moment before nodding my head. I start to get tired and say night to Bucky and Steve before heading back to my room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next morning I get up and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair. I'm still wearing the outfit I had on last night since it's all I have for now. I head to the kitchen and see Steve already making breakfast for everyone, "need help?" I say shyly "sure, also Buck told me that you needed clothes and that we're going shopping today." Steve says while flipping a pancake. As I was helping Steve make breakfast, I hear Clint and Sam talking as they go sit down at the table. Next was Natasha, then Bucky. His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes, signaling he had not slept very well. "Morning Buck" Steve said happily, "..morning" not going to lie, I jumped slightly when I heard Bucky's morning voice and he must have noticed, "sorry doll, didn't mean to scare yah" he said while smirking. Tony walked out of the elevator and went straight for the coffee pot, followed by a guy with dark brown hair and glasses. "I told you not stay up late" "not right know Bruce, I need my coffee first" Tony said to other guy, who I assume was Bruce. He gave me a small smile and a wave before following Tony to the table. I sat down next to Sam and Steve, keeping my head down not wanting to draw attention. "So Chloe," Sam says, fuck, "any plans for today?" "for your information bird brains, I'm taking her shopping" Bucky says, getting a little bit snappy. I look over at him and mouth a thank you to him to which he nods his head. "Buck, he was just asking" Steve says in a warning tone as he continues to eat his pancakes "yeah asshole" "language" Steve said sighing. Bucky clenches his jaw tightly and tightens his grip on his fork. Understanding what's going to happen, I move closer to Steve. He wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer. "Sam, cut it out. You need to stop as well" Natasha said sternly. Sam sighed and slouched back into his chair and continues to eat. Bucky calmed down and went to put his plate into the sink before coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Hey doll are you read to head out?" "Yeah, sure" I say before getting up to put my plate into the kitchen sink and heading to the elevator with Bucky, Steve, and Natasha. When we got to the garage, my jaw dropped. There were so many different cars, many were clearly expensive. Natasha decided to take Tony's Volkswagen. Steve driving, Natasha in the passenger seat, and Bucky was in the back with me before we started to pull out of the tower and into the busy streets of New York.

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