Part 7

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Chloe's POV
The ride there was kinda long, but Sam and Steve were telling me stories of the villains they fought with. Once we got to the park, Sam was the first one out of the car. We went walking on a small dirt path in the woods. "It's beautiful out here" I say happily sighing, for a moment I thought Steve said something but I shrugged it off and thought nothing of it. We heard birds chirping and singing, a small stream, and the rustle of the leaves. "When we get back to the car, do you guys want to get some food?" Sam says looking back at me then at Steve. "Sure, what about you Chloe?" Steve says happily at me, smiling warmly. "Uh yeah" I blush softly at the sound of my voice. Steve and Sam continue to talk to each other, I was happy with just listening to them talk. We where pretty far into the woods and I was staring to get tired. Sam noticed I was slightly lagging behind and nudged Steve lightly, getting his attention before nodding towards my direction. "Hey, you ok?" Sam says to me. "yeah I'm fine, just tired" I told him, trying to keep up with them. I guess I wasn't looking where I was going cause next thing I know, I tripped on a root sticking out of the ground. I feel a pair of strong arms grab me and hold me tightly. I look up and see Steve staring at me, inches away from my face, we both blush deeply and he lets go of me after making sure I'm ok. "You alright Chloe?" Sam asks, slightly panicked. "I'm fine, Sam. You don't need to worry about me."  "Of course I need to worry about you! Your like the little sister I never had" he says while faking to wipe a tear away with his hand placed on his heart, Steve just smiled softly and shook his head. "Come on we need to get back to the tower before Stark gets worried and thinks we got into trouble." Steve says and we started to go back to the car, the guys staying next to me.
During the car ride I started to fall asleep, the last thing I remembered was the faint sound of the radio playing softly
~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~

Steve's POV

When we arrived at the tower, Chloe was still asleep. I didn't want to wake her up so I told Sam to go on without me and that I was going to get Chloe. "Alright man, I'm going to head to the gym. C'ya" Sam said as he approached the elevator. I carefully pick up Chloe and headed for the elevator, "Friday can you take us to Chloe's floor, please" "of course Mr. Rodgers. Would you like me to inform Mr. Barnes that you're here as well, he did ask me where you were at." Friday asked quietly. "Sure" I reply before the doors open to her floor. I walked to her room and pulled back the covers before carefully laying her down. She stirred slightly before opening her eyes "thanks Steve" she sounded really tired. "Anytime, Chloe" I say softly before leaving.

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