Part 19

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Chloe's POV

The warm feeling of the sun's aurora on her face, had woken Chloe up. She rolled out of bed and went down to the main floor. The whiff of burnt eggs greeted her as she made her way to the kitchen. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." Bucky voiced, slightly leaning over the stove. "Good morning Bucky. What are you making?" She asked him as she approached him, "omelets." "looks kinda burnt" Chloe teased. The omelet had a dark brown color and looked charred, it was also sticking to the pan as Bucky tried to move it. He had the pan with his right hand and the spatula in his left. The metal of his hand glistened in the soft light of the sun, his eyebrows were scrunched together as he tried to get the omelet off the pan. "It's hard to cook, alright." he huffed in defeat. Laughing to herself, Chloe took the pan and spatula away from his hands. She walked over to the trashcan and scraped the burnt food into the waste bin. "Let's go out to get breakfast." She said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, before going leaving to her room to change out of her pjs.

She wore a cream white shirt that had a deep v-neck and a thin light blue jacket with a pair of dark blue jeans. She tied her hair up in a messy bun and went back to bucky. He was leaning against the kitchen wall, when he saw her. "Ok, I'm ready to go," Chloe reported as she approached him. He gave her a small nod before he pushed himself off the wall and followed her out the door.

Since it was warm out, they decided to take a motorcycle. Bucky got on before taking off the kickstand. Chloe then climbed on behind him, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist. She buried her face in his back as he drove off. They quickly sped through the streets of New York to a small diner. It was a little outdated but it made bucky comfortable since it wasn't really crowded., so Chloe didn't say anything. They sat across from each other in a booth. "Hi, I'm Brooke, what can I get you guys?" a lady with medium dirty blond hair asked, she had green eyes and was slim. "I'll have the scrambled eggs and bacon with some orange juice," Bucky said. Brooke smiled and wrote down his order before turning to Chloe, "and for you?" "umm, I'll just have a piece of apple pie with milk, please," replied Chloe. "Ok I'll have that right out for you two," Bucky smiled and gave her a small nod of his head and Chloe went back to stare out the window.

"Just a piece of apple pie?" he smirk over at Chloe, she rolled her eyes jokingly before turning to face him. "Yeah, and what about it?" she taunted. "Nothing, doll, just making sure you're alright." He chuckled, raising his hands up in a joking manner. Chloe giggled lightly, shaking her head at him. "Yes, Bucky, I'm fine," he gave her a small smile before Brooke showed up with their breakfast. "Here you go, do you guys need anything else?" she asked, placing down their drinks and plates. "No, thank you Brooke." Bucky softly spoke, she gave them a quick nod of her head and walked off to take others orders.

The brunette started to eat some of the eggs on his plate when Chloe reached over and took a piece of his bacon, "thought you weren't that hungry, doll." he remarked, "I changed my mind." she declared matter of factly. He rolled his eyes, no malice behind it, and continued to eat his breakfast. She took small bites of her pie, closing her eyes at the marvelous taste. It was warm and soft. The sweet taste of apples remained on her taste buds.

When Chloe went for another bite, Bucky quickly snatched the last mouthful of the pie. "I- that-" Bucky gave her his famous smirk while eating the last piece of her pie. She had her lips thinned and furrowed her brows before a grin came across her face as she reached over and took Bucky's plate of scrambled eggs and started to eat it. The smirk on Bucky's face never altered, causing curiosity to grow in Chloe. "What?" she asked, raising an eyebrow as she finished the last bite of eggs, Bucky just looked down at the empty plate before looking back up at her blue green eyes. She looked down at the plate and soon it clicked, he made her eat more than she intended. "I knew a piece of pie wasn't going to be enough, doll." Chloe looked back up at him, a smile on her lips, "touche, Barnes, touche." This caused him to chuckle.

Brooke came over with their bill and sat it on the table and quickly went over to another table to get their orders. As Chloe went to get her wallet, Bucky snatched the bill up. "No, I'm paying, doll." "Bucky, I can pay, it's fine." "not happening, besides it's my fault we're here." After realizing it was hopeless to argue with him, she lets him pay for the meal. They left the small diner and made their way to the bike, when Chloe's phone rang. They both stopped walking so she could answer it. "Hey Chloe, It's Steve. I was just checking in on you, how you've you been?"

"Steve?" Bucky felt a pang of jealousy rip through him when she spoke his name, but managed to not show it. "Yeah, I'm ok, um how are you?" As the two talked, Bucky would notice how she would hang on every word he said or the way her eyes would sparkle as she laughed. He almost lost it when she bit her lip at something he said. Whenever she would turn to look at him, he would give her a tight smile. "Ok Steve, be careful, bye." Chloe announced, "What was that about?" He asked her as they continued walking. "Oh, Steve wanted to check in on us, he also mentioned they'll be back sometime tomorrow." She voiced. Nodding, Bucky hopped on the bike first before helping Chloe on, soon the two drove back to the compound.

After they arrived, Bucky informed her that he was going to be in the gym if she needed him. She said ok before heading towards the living room, putting in a movie to help pass the time. She settled on watching Oliver and Company. She tremendously enjoyed it and soon after decided to make Bucky and her lunch.

The sound of chains rattling after a heavy thud could be heard through the gym as Bucky took another swing at the punching bag. He needed to let off some steam, to say he was mad was an understatement. The image of her conversation with Steve kept playing in his head. Everything was fine until he called. He didn't like the idea of someone taking away his doll. Not just anyone, Steve. Fucking of course it had to be Steve, Mr. America's golden child. Mr. fucking perfect. He wasn't brainwashed and killed hundreds of innocent people, no, he was the good guy. The hero. Everyone's favorite idol. He wasn't tortured for years. The sound of the bag ripping and falling off the hook broke him out of his trance. He let out a groan before he cleaned up the mess.

Here's another chapter, let me know what you guys think :)

The girl with ocean eyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora