Part 16

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The smell of coffee filled the kitchen as I poured a cup. Everyone was sitting at the dinner table, eating their breakfast, except for Bucky, and I. Bucky walks in and grabs himself a plate, piling food onto it. I could hear him giggling to himself, I turned to face him to see what's so funny.

"What?" he looks up at me with that stupid grin of his, "you weren't kidding when you said you needed coffee in the morning."I rolled my eyes at him and went to find a seat at the table with the others. "Look who's up early, it must be a blue moon." "shove it stark." laughter broke out from the table.

"Steve, she's being mean to me," sighing, Steve took a sip of his coffee and replied with "You're an adult Tony, you can fight your own battles." Tony huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.

I sat next to Sam and Clint, Nat across from me, and Steve to her left. Tony and Bucky sat at the ends of the table, and Bruce and Wanda sat across each other.

Sam gently nudged my side and handed me a plate with waffles on it, "saved you some before these two could get to them" he pointed his fork at Bucky who shovel food into his mouth and Steve. "Hey, I'm hungry. Super soldier, remember?" Bucky said through a mouth full of food.

Smiling softly at how stupid he looked, I started to eat my waffles. When I finished, I got up and took my plate to the kitchen sink, quickly cleaned it and put it away and made my way to my room to get ready for the day.


I picked out a coffee colored sweater with a pair of baggy light blue jeans, my hair was up in a messy bun and I was sitting by the window reading "A Wrinkle in Time".

I was halfway through when Natasha barges in and plops down on the bed. "Ugh, Tony won't shut up about his suit and why it's sooo much better than some super soldier serum."

Laughing softly, I placed my book down and walked over to the bed to sit by her. "Come on, it can't be that bad, Nat" "yes, it is, why are guys annoying?" she joked "so, what happened with you and James last night?" I felt my face get warm and hit her lightly with a nearby pillow lightly, "nothing, I just got scared and went to his room since it's the closest."

She had a smirk on her face and rolled her eyes. "I'm serious Nat!" I laughed. "Anyways, Clint and I were going to go for a quick swim at the pool Stark has, I wanted to see if you would like to join us." I smiled softly, "sure, I'll get ready."

Natasha left the room so i could change clothes and i decided on a simple maroon colored bikini that crosses in the front. I put my normal clothes over it and grabbed a towel before I went to go meet Natasha and Clint by the pool.

Once the elevator doors opened I stepped out and took off the clothes on top of the bikini. Clint was in the pool talking to Nat, who sat on the edge with only her legs in the water. "Wow Chloe, I'm surprised you're here." Clint spoke when he saw me. "I asked her if she wanted to join us." "I agreed since it's been awhile since I went swimming.'' I replied as I slowly made my way into the water.

The water isn't as cold as I thought it would be so it made getting in a lot easier. All three of us talked to each other and swam here and there.
We got into a splashing war, which Natasha won of course.

I was too busy engaged in the conversation I had with Clint to even realise Steve walked in until he spoke up. "Uh I- Hill um called a meeting for us." He stuttered. A soft blush covered his cheeks as he kept looking down at the ground, not wanting to look up at me, my faced warmed up slightly when I found out why.

"Ok cap, we'll be there in a minute." Clint spoke as he got out and grabbed his towel. Steve just nodded and took a quick glance at me before leaving.

I got out as well since I would be by myself cause they're all at a meeting, doing hero stuff nonetheless. I wrapped the towel I brought around my waist and walked towards the elevator. I arrived at my floor and entered my room to take a quick shower.

The water felt nice on my skin as I washed off the chlorine from the pool, sighing contentedly as the warm water ran through my hair. I got out and put on the clothes I originally had on before I went swimming. I left my hair down to dry and went back to reading A Wrinkle in Time.

I could hear that Steve and Bucky got back from the meeting by the talking that came from the hall. "Buck, it's too dangerous for you to go." that was Steve, "I just don't understand why I can't go on the mission but you can." and that was Bucky. "You know why.'' There was silence for a while before Bucky spoke up, I had to focus on what he said for how quiet he was. "Fine, I'll stay." I walked out into hallway and both quickly noticed me, stupid super soldier serum.

Steve smiled at me and scratched the back of his neck, "Hey Chloe, sorry if we bothered you." I returned the smile and spoke softly, "it's fine, i was just reading." Bucky grinned at me, "Are you sure, doll?" I blushed softly at the nickname he gave me, I could only nod.

Bucky went to his room while Steve stayed with me. "We have a mission later this week, they found a hydra base. Bucky is going to stay here with you, is that ok?" "yeah that's fine." I say before going back to my room to finish reading.

Natasha's POV

Sam, Clint, and I were at a coffee shop, chatting. I had a flat white espresso, Clint got an iced coffee, and Sam got the s'mores Frappuccino.

"Did you see Cap's face when he saw Chloe." Clint jokes, "yeah, she did look good in that bikini though." I replied, "I'm telling you, Steve likes her." Sam interjects. "so? Doesn't mean she likes him back. Bucky has a better chance with her than Steve." I comment.

"Yeah, cause an brainwashed assassin is better" Sam says sarcastically. I shook my head and leaned back, taking a sip from my coffee. "How about a bet then," I glance up at Sam with an eyebrow raised, "if Steve gets her, you owe me 100 dollars"

"And if Bucky gets her, you'll owe me 100 dollars?" I ask with a knowing smirk. Sam nodded and asked, "So, we got a deal?"


Sorry this took longer to update 😅, I got into honors English so it's been hard to write while keeping up with school work. I hope you liked it and thanks for the feedback on some of the other chapters😁!!

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