Part 9

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Bucky's POV
When I arrived to Chloe's bedroom, I looked down at her and noticed she was fast asleep. I didn't want to wake her up so I carefully opened the door and placed her down on the bed, gently taking her arm off around my neck. She stirred slightly in her sleep before she opened her eyes softly. "Mmh...Bucky?" She sounded so tired "yeah?" I asked, smiling down at her softly. "Stay.." she says as she stretches her hand out to grab my arm, "Please" "are you sure?" I say quietly. She nods and moves over so I can lay next her. Fuck, she's going to be the death of me, I mentally say as I go to lay next to her, sighing softly. There is about a foot of space in between us. She falls back to sleep with ease and I close my eyes and listen to my breathing before I finally fall asleep, hoping to not have another nightmare.

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

The suns rays coming from the window woke me up. I looked over at the clock on her bedside table and noticed that it was 6:47, Steve should be up for his morning workout, I sit up and stretched before looking over at Chloe, who was still asleep.  I smiled and got up carefully as to not disturb her, and walked out of the room going back to mine. I get dressed in a black tank top, dark blue jeans, a leather jacket, and my combat boots. I quickly put my hair up in a short ponytail before going down to the main floor, where I should fine Steve. When I arrived Steve was getting a water bottle from the fridge, "hey Stevie, how was your workout?" Steve looked over at me and smiled softly. "Good, where were you this morning? I couldn't find you." "I was with Chloe last night since she couldn't really sleep either" "Nightmares again?" Steve asks knowing the answer already and he had a sympathetic look on his face. "Steve, it's fine" I say as I go over to fridge and get me a bottle of water, wanting to change the topic. "Morning guys" Chloe's cheerful voice says as she walks into the kitchen and grab herself a bowl of cereal. "Morning, Chloe" me and Steve say at the same time. I go over to the couch to watch TV, Chloe follows and sits in the middle. "Where is everyone?" She asks softly looking up at Steve, "training or doing their own stuff" he shrugs softly before coming to sit with us and watch some new movies.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

Around noon, Nat, Wanda, and Sam walked in. "Hey, do you guys wanna go to the mall with us?" Wanda asks smiling happily at us, "sure, I don't really have anything to do today, let me get dressed first." Chloe says as she gets up and to go to her room. "Why not, you coming Buck?" Steve asks me. I hesitate for a second before nodding "I guess". Nat and Wanda were talking to each other about what store to Chloe to while Sam was on his phone, typing something, when Chloe came back down to the main floor.

(Her outfit)"Ready?" Nat says, smiling at Chloe

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(Her outfit)
"Ready?" Nat says, smiling at Chloe. I felt my face getting warm as I looked her up and down. Sam took Steve to go try some new food while Nat and Wanda went to go look at a clothes store. Chloe said that she'll stay with me since Steve was with Sam. "Ok, we'll be back." Wanda says before disappearing into the crowd. I thought nothing of how revealing Chloe's outfit as we went to the mall, at first it didn't occur to me when I saw a few of the men there starring at her, till I noticed where they were looking. Don't get me wrong, I love her outfit but I didn't like the idea of other men, especially strangers, getting to see at her body that way. I glared at them, making them look away with fear when they saw me, and put my leather jacket over her shoulders, covering most of her. She looked up at me and saw where I was looking at before she moved closer to me. "Thanks" I hear her says to me, pulling the jacket closer, trying to cover up. "No problem, doll" I said looking down at her. Wanda and Nat walked over to us, carrying shopping bags. "Hey you two, where Steve and Sam?" Natasha asked us as she looked around, "Sam took Steve to try some food, here they come now" Chloe says, pointing over at both men as they make their way over to us. "Hey guys" Sam says as he wraps an arm around her shoulders. I saw Chloe lean into his touch and I  couldn't help but feel jealous. An hour passes as we walked around the mall, going to different stores. "Are you guys ready to head back to the tower?" Steve asked as he looks at us. "Yeah, I'm starting to get tired" I say, the thought of Sam wrapping his arm around Chloe never left my mind. When we arrived to the tower I went to my room to lay down for a minute.

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