Part 20

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Chloe's POV

Once she had finished their lunch, which consisted of ham and cheese sandwiches with some chips, she went down to the gym to grab Bucky. The elevator slowly moved as she softly hummed to herself. Once the doors opened she happily walked out, a small skip in her step as she continued to find Bucky. As she turned the corner she ran into something hard and almost fell back. "Woah doll, are you alright?" Bucky asked as he caught her, a goofy smile on his face. Wow, Nat was right, he does kinda look like a puppy. Shaking her head, she quickly moved those thoughts to the back of her mind. "Oh, yeah, I'm ok" She gave him a smile and stepped back slightly.

She couldn't help looking at his eyes, forgetting why she came down here in the first place. They were grey with blue, resembling the sky before a storm. "So what brings you here, doll?" He smirks at her spaced out look. "Chloe?" he raises an eyebrow at her. "Hm? Oh, I was uh, I made us lunch, yeah" Blushing, she had to tear her gaze from him to focus on what was happening, looking anywhere but at him. Bucky lightly laughed as he walked past her to head for the elevator, running his hand through her hair, slightly messing it up. "Well I guess it's a good thing I'm heading that way," Bucky waited for Chloe to enter the elevator before pressing the button to the main floor. The ride up was silent as the two still refrained from making eye contact.

The soft ding of the elevator sounded as they arrived on their floor. Chloe walked out first, Bucky following her. She walked up to the table where she left their plates, sitting across from where Bucky was sitting. "It's not much but it's something i guess," she said, looking at his plate. She knew about his and Steve's huge appetite from Sam saying it was because of the serum and that it wasn't fair. "This is ok, doll" He smiled at her warmly, taking a bit from his sandwich. Chloe started to take a few bites from her own food when she got a notification on her phone. She glanced down at it and saw a text from Nat, So how are you and the fossil doing? Rolling her eyes, she quickly responded. Hey Nat, We're doing fine, you were right, he does look like a puppy when he's happy. She looked back up at Bucky and saw a confused look on his face, tilting his head lightly to the right. "Nat was seeing how we were doing," she answered, letting out a small laugh. Nodding his head, Bucky went back to eating. She looked back down at her phone, I'm always right. Leaving it at that, Chloe finished eating her sandwich.

When she finished she got up to clean the plates but Bucky beat her to it. "Buck, I was going to do the dishes." She tried to grab the plate from him, only causing him to hold it up higher so she couldn't reach. "No, you cooked, I'll clean," he reported. "Technically i didn't cook," she jumped up trying to get it, she could feel it with her finger tips. He leaned back farther to move it away from her. "Bucky," she whined standing on her tippy toes. "Chloe," he mimicked her back, gently placing his metal hand on her waist to help keep her away. "Tell you what doll, maybe if you gave me a kiss I'll give you the dishes?" The grin he had on his face made him look like the Cheshire cat, their faces only a few inches apart. "You cocky bastard," She laughed, lightly hitting him on the chest.

Leaning up on her tippy toes, she lightly kissed his cheek. A soft blush covered her face as she continued to smile at him. He was at a loss of words, his brain still trying to understand what just happened. He reluctantly handed her the plates silently, looking pleased. "What if I helped?" he appealed. Knowing he would keep pressing on the matter, she settled on the matter.

Chloe washed while Bucky dried, the two happily in their own world. When she washed the last plate, she took out some of the foam that sat above the water and threw it at Bucky, a huge grin on her face. She took off running through the tower, Bucky was at her heels. You could hear the two laughing and playfully yelling at each other. Chloe would jump over furniture and run through other rooms, trying to find a place to hide. Once she managed to lose him, she hid in a closet trying to catch her breath. She could see him walk by through a small crack she left in the doors.

Whereas she was certain he left, she bolted to the living room. But what she didn't know was that the former assassin had already known where she hid and waited for her to make her move. As she got closer to the kitchen, she felt a pair of muscular arms wrap around her waist before she was lifted into the air. She squealed and tried to wiggle free but was unsuccessful. "Got you," he playfully growled in her ear before setting her down.

Once she regained control over her laughing, Chloe turned around and looked up at him. "Wanna watch a movie with me?" A rosy tint covered her cheeks as she looked into his eyes. "Yeah," his voice was just above a whisper, he quickly glanced down at her soft lips before looking back in her green eyes. Shaking her head free of thoughts, she went to start the movie. Bucky went to the couch and made himself comfortable, watching you hook up the tv and scrolling through disney plus to find a movie to watch. He never really grasped modern technology so he was more than happy to let you do it. Settling on The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Chloe sat down next to him.

They were at the part where the mother ran when Bucky spoke up, "why is he chasing her? She didn't do anything wrong." She turned her body to look at him, "yes but they were believed to be criminals in this, no matter if they did or didn't do something bad." he let out a silent oh and went back to watching the movie. He seemed to have gotten a little bit uncomfortable when Frollo showed up and talked with Quasimodo, he kept shifting in his seat and fidgeting with the ends of his sleeve.

She seemed to understand why and decided to comfort him. Carefully, she moved closer and laid her head on his shoulder deciding to not prod more into it. It seemed to work as he relaxed, moving to get more comfortable by placing his flesh arm around her shoulders. "Better?" she asks softly, "much" he responded. The air seemed more light with the festival of fools scene, with all the colors and music. The air seemed to be caught in his throat when he saw Esmeralda dancing, going into a light coughing  fit. Chloe laughed at this, "you doing ok, Barnes?" He looked down at her and rolled his eyes at her, unable to wipe the smile off his face.

During the chase scene, Bucky moved them so she was partially laying on his chest. About an hour in the movie, the slow and steady beat of Bucky's heart lured her to sleep. Her brain was becoming fuzzy as the sounds coming from the tv seemed muffled and hard to comprehend. As her eyelids fell shut, she enjoyed the night that was filled with laughter.

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