Part 15

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Chloe's POV
Bucky and I were watch a scary movie and I was currently hiding my face in his shoulder when ever Jason killed someone. "You know, you didn't have to watch it with me. I understand if you're too scared." I looked up at him and saw a cocky smirk on his face. Bastard. "I'm not too scared, I just..don't like horror movies." Bucky simply rolls his eyes and turns his head to keep watching the movie. As I continue to do watch the movie, I couldn't help the thoughts running through my head. It's fine, it's just a movie. Nothing to be scared of. He's not real, he can't hurt me. It's fine. When the movie ended, we send goodnight to each other as we made our way to our separate rooms. I tried to fall asleep but around 4 am, I woke up from a nightmare about Jason. Stupid movie, it wasn't even that bad. I jumped at the sound of a car horn somewhere down below on the streets. With out thinking I got up and ran to Bucky's room, knocking on the door. After knowing my sense finally came. Oh god this is childish, he's probably already asleep. It's 4 in the morning of course he's asleep. As I went to turn around and head back to my room, the door opened to reveal a groggy Bucky. "S-sorry. I- um.." I started to trailed off and looked down at my feet. I went to open my mouth to tell him I was going to go back to my room but quickly grabbed onto him when an ambulance's siren went off. Sighing, Bucky wrapped his arms around me and picked me up effortlessly before pulling me into his room, shutting the door behind him. I looked up at him, confused as he walked away but his only response was "you'll wake up Steve." Bucky laid back down on his bed and shutter his eyes, patting the empty space next to him. "C'mon scaredy-cat. I'll keep you safe." I go over to the bed and lay down next to him. He put his right arm around me and pulled me closer to him, I could feel his body heat coming off of him. Slowly falling back asleep, the only thing I could remember hearing was the cars driving by in the streets down below and his steady heartbeat.


The soft sun light coming in through the window woke me up from my sleep. Slowly my senses came back to me and I opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was the light pressure on my waist and back, I glanced to see what was there and quickly blushed when I saw Bucky's sleeping form spooning me from behind. FUCK FUCK FUCK! Taking in a deep breath and trying to not panic, I glanced around the room. I've never been in his room before. From where I was, I could see a wooden drawer with a lamp on top and an alarm clock. 8:32 am. The more I looked around, I noticed that Bucky didn't have a lot of stuff just the essential. "Morning" his morning voice was noticeable with just that one word, he took his arm off my waist and laid on his back. I turned around and looked over at him. "Morning." I smiled softly at him and decided to sit up. Smirking, he spoke "your hair is a mess." I glanced over and threw my pillow at him. "Yeah, well so is yours." "Oh yeah?" I nodded and got out of bed. As I went to open the door, Bucky asked "where are you going?" Tiredly, I respond with one simple answer, "Coffee."

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