Part 18

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Chloe's POV

The soft sound of water boiling fills the kitchen as I mix beef and herbs together before adding tomato paste to the mixture. I let the sauce simmer on the stove next to the pot of spaghetti I was making, stirring occasionally.

I hum lightly to a song in my head, I don't remember where I heard it, the memory was abandoned over the years. I was gingerly stirring the sauce when I felt someone grab my waist and rest on my shoulder. I felt my heart rate accelerate but quickly relaxed when I heard Bucky's gruff voice whisper into my ear, "whatcha making?" I try to stay focused on the task at hand and not burn the food. "Spaghetti," I replied. A faint blush rests on my cheeks as I focus on my breathing before he moves backwards and leaned against the kitchen island. Thank God, I decided to let the sauce and pasta sit for a while and let my mind wander.

I must have zoned out for longer than i anticipated cause I heard Bucky try to hold in a laugh, turning to look at him, I saw him smirking. "What?" I asked him before he gave me a small nod of his head towards the stove. I focused my attention towards the sauce and saw that it started to burn and boil, shit. Quickly trying to get the spaghetti sauce under control, I hear Bucky move in the background before I feel his body pressed up against my back once again, this time closer.

He wraps his metal arm around my thin waist and leans over me, making sure to not put a lot of weight on me just enough to make me bend down a little. He shut off the stove before placing his hand over mine where I was grabbing the handle and moving it over to another burner that's been off so it can cool.

I can feel my face is warm and not from the stove's heat. "You seem distracted, doll." He steps back and continues, "is something bugging you?" He was grinning, I didn't have to see him to know that. "Nope, just thinking." I turn around and drain the pasta, continuing to make us food.

We're at the dining table, he sits at the head of the table and I sit right next to him. We both eat our dinner in silence. "So what did you and Steve talk about?" I asked softly. "Hm? Oh, just seeing if we're ok and if they found anything yet." he continued to eat his food and I remembered painting his nails when I saw him lifting his fork full of spaghetti to his mouth.

I couldn't help but take a picture and send it to Steve. Bucky looks over at me with one eyebrow raised. "I showed Steve your nails" I answered, giggling softly. He nods and finishes eating his plate of food.

When I was done with my plate, he took it and went to do the dishes. "Bucky, you don't have to." He looked over at me and said, "You made dinner, it's only fair if I did the dishes." Letting out a sigh, I agreed and went to the couch.

After a while, Bucky emerged from the kitchen and sat on the opposite end of the couch I was on. We sat together in silence for a while before I started to get tired. "I'm going to head off to bed, if you need anything, let me know." I spoke softly to him, remembering that Steve told me about his nightmares. He gave me a small nod of his head, letting me know he heard me

. Just as I was about to go to the elevator, he spoke up, "good night." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face him, he glanced over at me from his spot on the couch. "Good night, Buck." I smiled softly at him before continuing my way to the elevator. I hit the button to the floor my room was on, listening to the light music that played through the elevator's speakers.

The elevator dinged and the doors to my floor opened, letting me exit and walk off to my room. When I entered, I quickly changed into my pjs and got in bed. My mind wandered back to what happened in the kitchen, the look on his face when I accidently got distracted and almost burnt the food, the way he grabbed my waist, the feeling of having him against me. Reddening, I shook the mental image from my head and tried to focus on sleep. I'm fucked.

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