Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I woke up to my phone ringing. I groaned and grabbed it from the night stand.

“Hello.” I said annoyed

“Baby girl! Get up and meet me at the hotel lobby so we can go out for breakfast!”

“Joey tone it down a bit please?”

“Okay. Okay but what do you say?” I looked at the clock and it was only 6 in the morning.

“How does at 10 sound Joe. It is way to early right now Joey. I just got in the hotel at 3 and then to sleep at 3:30. Give me a few hours of sleep and I will meet you down at 10 okay?”

“Okay baby girl that sounds good. Get some more sleep” With that we hung up. I put my phone down and snuggled under the nice and warm covers.

-An hour and a half later-

I was woken up again but this time someone was knocking on my door. I let out and annoyed sigh and got up. I put on my slippers and robe. And yelled for them to wait .I brushed my teeth then opened the door to see a smiling John Cena. I moved out of the way so he could come in.

“Oh what do I owe this pleasure to this early in the morning?”

“Well good morning to you too Rach.”

“Sorry you know me in the mornings. So how is this for you. GOOD MORNING JOHNNY BOY!”  I hugged him and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.

“That’s more like it.” He sat at one of the chairs while I made the coffee. I turned around and leaned against the counter with my arms crossed.

“So what is it you want Johnny?”

“Do I need a reason to come see my favorite girl?”

“Ha don’t let Nikki hear you Johnny or you will get in big trouble mister.” We both laughed.

“Nah she knows how important you are to me so she won’t mind.”

“Whatever you say buddy. Coffee?”

“Yes please!” I handed him his coffee. He looked at the mug then looked at the one in my hand and laughed.

“Sorry it was the only mugs I found last minute but hey it’s true!” I laughed and so did he and nodded his head. He put down his mug and looked at me with his ‘we need to talk’ face.

“Great. I knew you were here for something.” I put my mug down and started to walk away.

“Hey. Hey. Hey. Rachel come on look I just want to know what happened last night?”

“What are you talking about?” He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture. (A/N pretend it’s her and Jon)

“What’s this Rachel? I'm not mad I just want to know.”

I took a deep breath and sat on the couch and John sat next to me. I turned to him before I started to talk.

“Okay well, I saw him sitting alone looking upset last night after the show so I went up to him. I asked him if he was alright and he told me no that he felt like crap. He also said that he tried to forget about me and what he felt for me but he couldn’t. He called himself a screw up and that he was never nor will ever be loved. Also that he didn’t deserve me. Then he just got up and walked away. It broke my heart John seeing him like that. I looked into his eyes the whole time and he was telling the truth. He was hurt broken and confused. I wasn’t going to let him go like that so I just chased him and did the one thing I could to prove to him that he is loved and that was kiss him. Then I told him I would always love him no matter what happened. That’s all. John you know me when it comes to things like this. I'm not going to let someone believe something that is not true what so ever.”

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