Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Jon and I had a nice time together but of course we have to go back to work. All we knew was that he had a match as for me no idea what I'm doing with Seth or anyone else for the matter.

“Have you talked to your dad at all since Raw?” Jon asked me as we walked hand in hand throughout the arena.



“Jon no he called me stupid and naïve. I am not going to let my own father talk to me like that and just brush it off.”

“Alright Rach if you think so.” He was about to say something else but my phone started ringing. He nodded to tell me it was alright to answer.


“Rachel? It’s Hunter can you come to my office when you can?”

“Sir yes sir.” I saluted. He laughed and said he will be waiting.

“You know you are crazy Rachel” Jon said to me laughing.

“But not as crazy as the lunatic himself.” I winked and slapped his butt and started to make my way to Hunter.

“HEY!” I turned around and looked at Jon while walking backwards. I blew him a kiss and turned back around and kept walking. I saw Hunter standing in the hallway.

“So what’s up boss?”

“You have a match tonight against Natalya. Bellas at commentary. Also Seth will be in your corner. Oh and you have to be with him every time he’s on camera at least when you can.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Good. Now go get ready your match is second.” I gave him the okay sign and went back to my locker room. Jon wasn’t there. I think he said he was going to see Joey or something I don’t remember. I shrugged and grabbed my bag and went into the changing room to change. I quickly got dressed and went to hair and makeup because I did not feel like actually doing it today. When I was all set I slipped on the sweater and zipped it up. I put my hands in the pockets and walked around the halls looking for Colby.

“There’s my girl!” I turned around and saw Colby. I smiled at him. He came up to me and hugged me.

“You ready to kick some ass tonight.”

“Oh hell yeah I am champ.” I laughed.

“Rach you are up in 5.” I nodded and we went to the gorilla.

“RACHEL!” I turned and saw Jon running to me.

“I wanted to see my girl before her match. Good luck babe.” He kissed me quickly.

“Luck is for losers baby.” I winked and walked out with Seth since it was time. We walked down the ramp and once I got to the steps I slipped off the sweater and handed it to Seth. He kissed my head and I slid into the ring. The referee signaled for the bell.

Skip  to end of the match

Natty was doing alright with putting up a fight but I was getting bored. I just want to end it already. Finally I just speared her like there was no tomorrow. I went for the pin and got the win. Seth came into the ring and picked me up for a hug smiling. I smirked and he raised my arm up in victory. The Bellas had gotten up. I was about to slide out of the ring but Seth grabbed me by my waist to stop me.

“I'M COMING FOR YOU!” I yelled and pointed to Nikki.

We went backstage and we just started laughing to what happened out there. Seth and I went to go do some promos like one with Jon and the bathroom which I found hilarious. After we were all done with everything it was almost time for Jon’s match. I ran to the gorilla and saw him waiting. He had his back to me so I ran and jumped on his back.

“Holy crap! Rachel!” I laughed and held onto him tight.

“You know you love me.” I giggled.

“Yes. And I know you love me maybe a little too much.”

“I could never love you to much baby.” I winked. He laughed and I just kept giggling. It was time for him to go out for his match. I gave him one last kiss and went to the monitor to watch.  He was doing so good in the match. Half way Joe came to watch with me at the monitor. Jon went straight into the time keepers area I was getting a little worried. I grabbed on to Joey’s arm. Then he got up and delivered a flying elbow. He was setting up for a power bomb but then got pushed with his back hitting the ring post roughly. I held onto Joey’s arm tighter now. Then all of a sudden he was put through the announce table.

“JON!” I was about to run out there but Joey grabbed me. I was still watching but I was fighting Joe to let me go. The refs were helping him walk to the back. Once they crossed the curtain Joey and I took over to help him instead and took him to the trainers. They told us to wait outside in the hallway as they checked on him. I was pacing back and forth.

“How is he?” Hunter asked as he came running up to us.

“Nope we know nada Hunter. They are still checking on him.”

“I want you to take time off until Raw with him Rachel. Take him home and have him rest up. I can make something up as for why you won.t be here.”

“Thank you Hunter it means a lot.”

“No problem Rach.” With that he gave me a hug goodbye and went to do whatever he needed to do. Finally the doc came out and said we could see him. He just had to take his pain meds and rest.

“Good thing we have off until Raw.” Jon looked at me confused.

“Hunter wants me and you to go home and rest well you rest and me take  care of you. We leave tonight.”

We got the meds from the doctor and went back to the locker room to change and grab our things. I changed into some comfortable clothes. We said bye to whoever we needed to and left off to go to the airport.

Finally Home Sweet Home…

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