Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

I was standing at the gorilla with my dad. We were opening up Raw to talk about last night. Finally his music hit and we walked out together. He started talking about his return and God knows what. I zoned out until Hunter’s music cut him off. Out came the Authority. They were making their way down the ramp and into the ring across from dad and I. Stephanie was the one to talk.

“Randy, first and foremost, welcome back. You made one hell of a return last night at Fast Lane, and made another huge return tonight. Even though it was at the expense of The Authority, that devil may care, take no prisoners Orton, that’s the Orton we love, and had the fans chanting last night, “Randy…!”

I just zoned her out until I heard her start talking about me.

“Rachel last night you did the unexpected. You went out there and stopped Sting from continuing his attack on my husband. I'm grateful for that. I know Hunter is also. So how about we put the past in the past and move forward. Come back home. Join The Authority.” She put her hand out for dad to shake. I looked at him and he back at me. We declined the offer. Then Big Show tried talking us into it. The Steph started talking about his actions and what he has done years ago. Then they all leave the ring. Dad and I looked at each other. When they were almost on the top of the ramp I called out.

“Wait a minute! Wait a minute. Wait one minute.” I looked at dad and he nodded to me giving me the okay.

“We’ll be there. We’ll be there, We’ll see you in the back. Business meeting, fine.” We both smirked and watched them go  up the ramp.  When dad and I got backstage Jon was standing there waiting for me. He looked up when he saw me and smiled. I gave him a peck on the lips and smiled at him. We stood watching the match before he had to go out there and cause some havoc.

“I got to go do a segment babe so I’ll see you after.” I pecked his lips and whispered in his ear.

“Now go be crazy out there my lunatic.” And winked. He laughed as I walked off. I saw dad waiting for me by the Authority’s office door he smiled seeing me.

“You ready for this baby girl.”

“You bet your ass I am pops.” He laughed at my response.


Steph – I’ve asked you both here tonight.

Rollins – Hunter, you cannot seriously be considering bringing him back into The Authority and having her join.

Steph – Excuse me! You’re going to be that rude to me? Be that disrespectful while I’m speaking? Is it because I’m a woman? I suggest you back down and think of someone other than yourself for just a moment.

Kane – As DOO, considering what Randy did to us last night, so I would suggest.

Steph – And I would suggest that as the DOO, think of the bigger picture. This isn’t about you, or you (Rollins), this is about The Authority. Think about it. We have Big Show and Kane, the biggest monsters in the WWE. Seth Rollins, Mr. MITB, the Viper, Randy Orton. And with Rachel who is so convincing so cynical like her father we need her. Together we are unstoppable. Dominance is child’s play, I’m talking about absolute power.

Rollins – But how are we ever supposed to trust him again and her all of a sudden?

Steph – There are no buts Seth, if he found it in his heart to forgive you after your actions, your plan.  And her after what you were going to do to her dear uncle.

Rollins – My plan?

Steph – I think the rest of us can forgive Orton and move forward. Randy, I have a question for you. Are you able to move forward? If you say no, that’s fine, and we will deal with the consequences of your actions, but if you say yes, then I guarantee we will all show you, you will have my personal word that we are your family. You have our support, we open our arms to you and bring you back. What do you say?

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