Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Rachel’s POV

Since Raw was going overseas for the week I decided to stay in the states and go down to train with some of the NXT stars and make an appearance on the show to.

Once I got to Florida I checked into my hotel and settled  in a little before going down to the show. I packed my ring attire and some extra things. Once I was done I went down to take a taxi to the University’s Arena.

I was walking around the halls for about 10 minutes until I finally found the locker room with my name on it. Since I'm just a guest they gave me my down locker room for night. I put my stuff down and decided to go explore around and see who I can find since the show doesn’t start for another like 2 hours. After about 5 minutes of walking I saw 2 guys standing in the hallway one was facing me the other with their back to me. The one with his back to me had on a white t shirt that looked a little too tight on him and he had long dark hair and was pretty built. I recognized him right away.

“BENGI!” I yelled and he turned around right away and had the biggest smile on his face. I ran to him as fast as I could without my dress going up even though I did have shorts under. I jumped onto him and hugged him tight

 “So Neville you going to introduce me to the pretty lady?” I turned around and looked at the guy that Bengi (Adrian Neville btw if you haven’t caught on.) I recognized him to I think his name was Sami Zayn.

“Hi. I'm Rachel. You’re Sami Zayn right?” I said sticking my hand out to shake.

“Yep that would be me. But call me Rami.” We shook hands and he smiled at me.

“Rach what are you doing here? It’s not that I don’t love you being here but aren’t you supposed to be in London.”

“Well Bengi I wasn’t really needed so I decided why not come down here since I don’t get much time anymore.” He smiled and just hugged me again. I’ve known Bengi since before WWE even signed him. I was the one they sent out to go check him out when he was in Dragon Gate Wrestling. We have been best friends ever since.

“I’ll see ya later Ben. It was nice to meet you Rachel.”

“You too Rami. I’ll see ya around.” He smiled at me and gave Bengi a bro hug and went walking down the hall.

“Come on lets go to catering to catch up.”

“Lead the way because I have no clue where I'm going.” He laughed at that and put his arm around my shoulders and we walked to catering. Along the way there were a few guys eyeing me up and down some even winking at me. I rolled my eyes every time.

“So how are you and Ambrose?” Bengi was happy when I told him about Jon and I together he always said him and I needed each other no matter what.

“Really good I just miss him like crazy. He calls me every moment he gets even if it’s 2 in the morning over there.”

“See that’s a true boyfriend. I'm happy your happy now Rach it’s been awhile since you’ve been with someone this good.”

“Hah yeah the one to not purposely cheat on me.” He could tell that stung me a little. He changed the subject and we talked about a little bit of everything until I looked at the time and I have a half an hour before my surprise segment.

“Well I gotta go get dressed and ready Bengi. I’ll see ya after.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went back to my locker room. Which I found it fairly quickly. I changed into my attire and did my hair and make-up.

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