Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I stayed with John the whole rest of the week. He is doing much better. But, he hasn’t left my side. I guess he’s just afraid of leaving him which I don’t plan on doing. We were on our way to Raw right now in Ohio. We were currently sitting on the couch in his bus watching a movie.


“Yeah John?”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For just being there. Not leaving and making sure I was okay.”

“Don’t mention it. You needed me and I was there. You know how much I care about you. Plus you would do the same for me.”

“Of course I would. In a heartbeat baby girl.”

“Now come on we have to get ready soon. I’m gonna go meet some fans before the show.”

Once I was done I grabbed my purse and coat and went to the front of the bus. I put them on the table and was getting a cup of juice when I noticed John just staring at me.

“You know staring is rude.”

“Huh? What?”

“You were staring John.” He turned bright red then smiled showing his dimples.

“Ooh sorry but what can I say you look beautiful.” I smiled and rolled my eyes.

“See Rach that’s what I like. You’re different you don’t blush and giggle like it’s a big deal that I said that.”

“I know Johnny boy but come on lets go we are here.” We put on out coats grabbed our bags and went left the bus. We walked into the arena.

“Alright I gotta go to the female locker room Johnny so I’ll see you in a bit.” He nodded and kissed my temple and we went our separate ways.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here. It didn’t take you long to make a move did it.” I rolled my eyes knowing who it was. I turned around and got right in her face.

“You listen and you listen good Nicole. You left John. He called me saying you left him. I was there for him when no one else was. I stayed with him and helped the old John come back. You just left believing all those bullshit articles. So don’t you dare come and criticize and bad mouth me because all I did was help him forget you. Get over yourself Nicole. Not every man will be falling to your feet and chasing after you. So leave me alone and keep my name out of your mouth.” She stood there with her mouth open. I turned and walked the opposite way I was before. I decided not to use the diva’s locker room anymore. For my job’s sake because one more comment by her I'm going to snap. I went to go find John’s I’ll just stay with him. Can’t make the rumors look even worse right?

I found his locker room and knocked first. He opened it and look at me and raised an eyebrow.

“I'm not dealing with her. I said a few things and next time she opens her mouth I just might have to shut it myself.” He laughed and nodded and let me in.


“Not a problem. You are always welcome.” I put my stuff all organized in a corner.

“I'm gonna go see some fans. I’ll be back Johnny boy.” I kissed his cheek and made my way out.  I went outside and there were people screaming my name. I went up to this couple with maybe a 5 year old boy. He was calling my name and almost in tears.

“Hi sweetheart what’s your name?”


“And how old are you Carl?” he held up a hand showing me 5 fingers.

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