Chapter 3

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Rachel's P.O.V

I'm on my way to go see Vince about my new storyline I'm curious to what they have in store for me.

When I knocked on the door and Vince said to come in I saw 3 very attractive guys that I've seen in NXT before.

Vince- "Hello Miss.Orton I would like you to meet my new group."

Rach- "Hi nice to meet you I'm Rachel Orton."

Vince- "Well that's Jon/Dean, Colby/Seth and.." Rachel cuts him off

Rach- "And Joe or Roman"

Vince- "Ooh good you guys know each other then."

Rach- "We've known each other since we were teens"

Vince- "Perfect. But, anyway you guys will be forming a group called the shield. Rach will be the mastermind behind it all and the guys will handle the dirty work I guess I could say."

We all looked at each other and smiled. Then we look back at Vince.

Vince- "You guys will be doing everything together so you better get comfortable because I have a feeling you guys will be huge."

After that we all said bye to Vince and went to my tour bus that my dad got me.(I'm such spoiled brat when it comes to him.)

Jon- "So Rach how is it being the daughter of one of the top guys I'm the WWE?"

Rach- "It's pretty fun. Plus, growing up with this company is the best!"

I couldn't stop smiling after I said that. The guys just laugh and smiled.

Rach- "So when do you guys debut?"

Joe- "Survivor Series and what do you mean us. Aren't you supposed to debut with us?"

Rach- "No. No one is supposed to know I'm "behind" it all. I'll reveal myself eventually but not just yet."

Colby- "That actually makes sense because it will leave people wondering who's behind The Shield and no one will expect to be The Viper's daughter."

Rach- "Exactly ! See someone gets it thanks Colby."

We just say around for a few hours talking and getting to know more about eachother.

Rach- "Well guys it's getting late and I have to go to bed. But you can stay here if you want. Two of you can take a couch but one will have to share with me.

Colby- "Who goes where?"

Rach- "You three figure that out so goodnight!"

I smiled and blew them a kiss and went to bed.

Uncovered.. A WWE FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora