Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I just landed in Cincinnati for Raw. But it is Jon's home town it's a little awkward I have to admit. Everyone staring at me and whispering was a little uncomfortable. I just continued to walk throughout the airport and made it to my ride without a problem. They put my bags in the back and I got in the SUV. After being in the car for about 20 minutes I got a call from Hunter.

"Hey big boss man."

"Hey Rachel." He laughed

"So what you need Hunter?"

"Oh I wanted to let you know you have a match tonight with Brie. I also want you to get

ready right away when you get here because tonight may get a little crazy."

"Sounds good to me I get to kick some Bella butt." He laughed at my reaction.

"At a girl that's what I want to hear. But when I see you, you will be all dressed in your gear


"Yes sir I will run to my locker room if needed." I joked.

"You do that Rach. But I got to go I will talk to you later." I said my goodbyes and we hung

up. I continued to stare out the window but when I got bored I went on twitter and sent

out a few tweets. But then all of a sudden the car stopped. I looked up and groaned. We were stuck in traffic of course. I looked at the time and it was about 2 hours before Raw. Why the hell am I always late! I just sat back and thought what if we get there late? Crap!

"Hey um.."

"Jon." He answered. Great just great.

"Jon... Could you maybe get off on the text exit and stop at a Wendy's or somewhere

because I have to change in case we get there late."

"Will do Miss. Orton" He continued to drive and about maybe 15 minutes later we were off

the highway. He pulled into a Wendy's and I got out and grabbed my bag from the back.

Before I went in I stopped at the driver's window and knocked.

"I was wondering if you would like anything while I'm in there?"

"No I am fine Miss. Orton."

"Are you sure I would like to give you something for making this stop for me." He politely

shook his head and I just nodded and went inside. Everyone eating stopped and just

stared at me. I just walked into the bathroom and changed into my gear and did my

makeup. It took me about maybe 20 minutes tops to do it all. I walked out and went into

the line to buy a water. When I ordered they also gave me an order of fries for me and my

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