Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

It was a nice warm Sunday morning in Texas. Rachel and Jon had been busy the whole week doing things for their matches tonight. They had different schedules so they hadn't seen each other since Raw. They were going to get together that afternoon for a nice lunch. But Rachel had something to do before thought. She needed to dye her hair again. Don't get her wrong she loves her burgundy hair but now her character has changed its time for her hair to go back to normal. She needs to look like her old self again. After about a 20 minute wait and then an hour and a half to get it all done. Once she finished she went to her bus and got ready and went to go meet up with Jon at a local diner.

Jon sat at a booth patiently waiting for the green eyed beauty. He had his back to the door so he didn't see when she came in. He heard the bell ring but paid no mind to it. He continued going through his phone.

"Ain't ya gonna say hi suga'." He heard a high pitched country accent and looked up expecting some blonde bimbo but it was Rachel. He couldn't stop staring at her. He finally snapped out of it and got up and hugged her. They then sat down and started to talk.

"Your hair. It's not dark red anymore."

"Yeah it was time to go back to the old me you know."

"Yeah I get it. I prefer your hair like that honestly." Then the waitress came over and they ordered. They talked and talked until their food came and ate in a comfortable silence occasionally glancing at each other. When they finished of course Jon paid like the gentleman he is.  Rachel then dragged him shopping just to waste some time. They shopped for a few hours until they had to go to the arena and prepare.

"Rach your match is second tonight." Hunter said coming up to her. She gave him a thumbs up and grabbed Jon's hand and dragged him to her locker room which she also shares with him. She looked at the time and it was 7. She sighed and grabbed her attire for the night and went to the bathroom to get ready. Once she was done she sat on the couch with her title in her lap and just stared at it. She ran her hands over it and sighed.

"You lose it tonight don't you." Rachel was startled by the sudden voice and looked over and saw Joe leaning against the door frame. She nodded answering him. He stood and closed the door and went over and sat next to her. He put a hand on her shoulder and looked her dead in the eyes.

"I will support you in anything baby girl and you know that. I just want you safe." He kissed her temple and left leaving her there in her thoughts. The show had officially started so she got up grabbed her title and jacket and walked out to the hallway.

Jon stood talking to one of the producers about the match tonight. He looked up and saw Rachel in her attire. His jaw almost hit the floor. He excused himself from the man he was talking to and went straight up to her. She immediately smiled when she saw him.

"Looking good sweet cheeks." He smirked and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Rachel you're almost up." She sighed and looked up at Jon. He grabbed her hands and looked her dead in the eyes.

"Kick ass out there. Good luck. Remember I will be here when it's over." She nodded and was about to walk to the curtain but Jon pulled her back.

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