Chapter 22

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Chapter 22         

I looked at my watch and it was almost 5:30 and he still hadn’t shown. I wasn’t going to wait there any longer. I got up and dusted off my dress and started to walk back to my hotel room. I tried so hard not to let the tears fall but I couldn’t stop them. I just stood there in the elevator waiting for it to go up. Once I got to my room I changed into the same clothes that I had on when I went with Joey to the diner. Once I was done my phone started to ring. I looked to see it was Hunter.


“Hey Rachel could you come down to headquarters if you can we got some new storyline ideas we want to run with you.”

“Yeah okay that’s fine I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

I grabbed my coat and purse and locked up my hotel room and started making my way downstairs.

“Baby girl where you headed?”

“Headquarters. Got a last minute call.”

“I’m in my way there now come one we can go together.”

We got into the SUV thank god neither of us had to drive. I noticed Joe was looking at me.


“Have you been crying?”

‘Oh crap what the hell Rachel why didn’t you check yourself in the damn mirror before you left damn it.’

“Um.. Nooo.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Okay. Okay. Yes I have.”

“Why? Who hurt you?”

“Well when I got back to my room after hanging with you there was a bouquet of flowers  in front of my door. I picked them up and went inside and then saw there was card and so I opened it and it said ‘Dear Rachel. Please meet me down in the lobby at 4 and dress in something fancy. With much love,  Jon.’ I waiter for about 2 hours and he never showed so yeah that’s why I was crying.”

“Baby girl maybe he has a good reason.”

“Or maybe he was screwing blondie.”

“Don’t think like that.”

“It’s probably true. I was going to give him  a chance but he was a no show so oh well.”

“Come on baby girl we are here.”

We walked into the building and I went to find Hunter’s office. His door was already open so I stood at the door way laughing because he was scrambling around looking for something.

“Need help?”

“I seem to have lost my phone.” I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone and dialed his number, It started to ring he didn’t seem to realize what I had done. I went to his desk and opened his draw and grabbed his phone and held it up. He finally noticed and laughed and took the phone.

“Thanks. Have a seat I wanna talk to you about some ideas.”

“Okay. Shoot.”

“The whole you being with Paul Heyman it going to be scrapped. We want something better something bigger. We are thinking of putting you either with Roman because he needs a little help with promos and such. Or put you in the Cena story line so it will be even and you can gladly handle Lana. Which one do you like?”

“I like them both. But I feel like Roman has to try and do this on his own. I know he can. I want something new and fresh. So the Cena one is the one for me Hunter.”

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