Chapter 1

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"Hello and welcome to my exclusive interview with Rachel Orton" Michael Cole said excitedly.

"Now Miss. Orton thank you for doing this exclusive interview with me" Cole said nicely.

"My pleasure Cole, I'm glad to be here so everyone can know how I found out about my father and how I got to be where I am right now in my life" I said very sweetly to Cole.

"Now Rachel, would you like to tells us all now about how you found out and everything else that happened after that?" Cole kindly asked.

"Yes I would love to. I was 14 years old it was a hot summer day and I was home alone so I didn't want to go outside. So I decided to go snooping around in my attack. While I was looking I found a box with folders and papers in it and on the box it said "Adoption Papers." In my head I was thinking it couldn't be. I can't be adopted so I looked through the box and found my real birth certificate and it said my name was Rachel Keirstin Orton. So I kept digging deeper and found a picture of me with my biological father. "It couldn't be but it was true I am adopted and Randy Orton is my father" I whispered. When my "parents" got home I went up to them and threw the box on the floor right in front of them. They asked me why I had it. "I found it upstairs. I can't believe you guys would lie to me like that. How did you expect me not to find out! Randy Orton my favorite wrestler is my father! How could you not tell me! Why did you change my name I love me birth name way better." I screamed as I just blew up because I'm sick of it. They didn't say a word to me what so ever. So I just went to bed the next morning when I woke up they were gone so were their belongings even their cars but most of all they took my dog. I went to the kitchen and saw a letter on the counter from them. It read:

Dear Ely well now Rachel,
We are sorry for lying to you and not coming to you and telling you about your father. We can't live like this we are truly sorry for leaving you but it's what needed to be done. We left you 2 grand to help you get by hope you have a happy rest of your life. You will most likely never see us again.
Not your parents

When I read the letter my heart broke but then again it's their lose. They chose to leave me and practically just threw me right into my dad's arms. I needed to go see him and tell him who I was so I got on my computer and started searching for where I was going to try and see him. I made my choice and decided on August 15 of that same year (2004). But one problem it was in Canada so I needed a pass port. My best friends parents took care of everything for me. It was august 14 I was taking my flight at 10 o'clock at night the same day. My best friends mom took me to the air port and gave me everything. I was so nervous and so many things were going through my head. Like if dad was going to want me or if he never wanted me to find out. Finally we got to Canada and everything went perfect getting in. By the time I got to the arena Summer Slam had already started. When I got to my seat I was so nervous just to see my dad face to face. When he came out for his match he noticed me and smiled. I was so excited he did. When he won the match and he became the youngest World Heavyweight Champ in history I was so excited but I couldn't exactly celebrate with him. When the PPV was over I tried to go back stage but no one would listen to me so I just gave up. I found an empty hallway and started to just cry. I felt someone touch my shoulder so I looked up and it was John Cena. He asked me what was wrong and I told him everything. He was the only person to listen and actually care. When I finished he helped me up and told me to follow him so I did. He opened the door to some locker room and when I looked up the World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton also known as my dad was sitting in a steel chair. When John was about to tell him my name dad interrupted him and stood up. He looked at me and all he said was "Rachel is that you?" He knew exactly who I was I ran into his arms and he picked me up and swung me around. Dad and I thanked Cena then he left. Dad was asking me so many questions and I answered them all. When I told him about what my adopted parents did he was pissed. I remember his exact words after that and they were "Forget them. They left you and you came looking for me not them. You're my baby girl and obviously you didn't mean so much to them but you do to me. I was to young to raise you on my own but I missed you every single day." I stated tearing up when he said that and after that day my life changed forever.

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