Chapter 13

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I'm not the biggest fan of plane rides, but I've gotten a lot better since we have been traveling so much. The guys and I have been a band for about three and a half years. It really shouldn't have surprised me that Kaycee figured it out. She didn't seem to mind. Maybe it's a good thing that she figured it out. It would be nice to have someone that doesn't act weird around me other than my family and a few of my close friends.

"Did you talk to her?" Drew asked as he sat in the seat next to me.

"Yeah. I actually have been texting her since you left my room earlier."


"It went good. We talked about a lot of different stuff. She is getting ready to go on a trip too."

"Oh? Where is she going?" Drew asked.

"I'm not sure. Her and her best friend are traveling this summer, but this trip is apparently a surprise."

"That seems cool. Did you tell her who you are?" He was pulling out his iPod and headphones.

"Actually, she already figured it out."

"That didn't take long." He let out a chuckle. "What did she say?"

"Nothing really. Just asked why I didn't mention it. I told her it's not usually the first thing I say to people. She said she understood that and we moved on."

"Hmm really? She didn't freak out or anything?"

"Nope. Not at all. We talked about life and all kinds of other stuff. It was nice."

"I like her already." He said and then he put his headphones in and laid his head back.

I was surprised that it didn't seem to phase Kaycee. Most girls either only liked me because I was in a band or they act like they have to put me up on a pedestal or something. I'm just a normal guy.

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