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Luke's POV

"Luke honey?!" I heard a shout from downstairs the next morning and I immediately knew who it was. My mum.

Getting out of my bed, where Ashton still rested, I walked downstairs and was greeted by my parents immediately.

"Luke!" My mum greeted me happily as she pulled me into a hug.

"Hi, mum." I said as I looked over my shoulder to see my dad who was smiling at us.

"How are you, my baby? I've missed you so much, honey." Mum gushed before pulling me into another hug. I laughed at her as did my dad.

"I'm fine, mum. Have you two had a nice holiday?" I asked politely and genuinely curious because my parents seemed happier than they have for a while.

"It was wonderful, I think we needed the relaxation but we're happy to see you again love." My mum kissed my cheek but then looked up at the stairs and lit up when Ashton came down the stairs to join me.

"Ashton hun." She walked up to him and threw her arms around him, obviously happy because he was like a son to my parents.

As my mum hugged Ashton and started talking to him, I walked up to my Dad and gave him a hug. "How you doing, Dad?" I asked.

"I'm alright thanks, Luke, how are you?"

"I'm ok." Was all I said but gave my dad a smile who attempted one back but it didn't make his eyes. "What is it dad?" I asked, concerned.

"Well, I got a call from Julia."


"Luke, you could have told us about your nightmares, we could have helped you." My dad said, upset that I hadn't told him.

"I'm sorry but I didn't want to worry you, especially whilst you were on holiday." I admitted, immediately feeling bag because my dad knew about it whilst he was on holiday but he didn't know through me.

"Just tell us ok? We love you, you're our son, don't feel bad about letting us know." My dad pulled me into another hug and I hugged him bag, feeling happy that I had his support and I knew he did. "I'm glad you stayed with Ashton though, that's reassuring."

"Yeah, he was really helpful and supportive." I smiled and my dad smiled back.

The voice of my mother broke my dad and I apart.

"Right, your dad and I are going to upack, we'll leave you 2 alone." My mum smiled before taking my dad and their luggage upstairs.

Ashton walked up to me and placed his hands on my hips, "Your mum is cute." Ashton commented and I smiled at him before kissing him. "She thanked me for being here for you with your nightmares an all that because apparently Julia rang your parents." Ashton said when he pulled away.

"My dad told me, he was happy with you being here because I know they worry about me being alone when stuff like that happens." I informed him and Ashton just smiled before kissing my forehead.

"I know." Was all Ashton said and so I nodded.

"Should I go make breakfast?" I asked and tried moving towards the kitchen but Ashton grabbed my waist and pulled me back to him.

"No, I'll go make breakfast." He stated. "You either go help your parents or go get some more rest because it's only 8:30am and I know you didn't get too much sleep last night." Ashton then took my hand and started leading me to the stairs.

"But I can't sleep with my parents just getting here." I said, wanting to sleep but knowing I couldn't.

"They will understand and I do recommend sleep and I know they will too so go to sleep babe." Ashton kissed me and I nodded, knowing that if he told my parents then they would agree too.

"Thanks Ash." I said before making my way upstairs and into my room. But before I could close the door, my mum stopped me and half came into the room.

Pulling me to her, she pressed a kiss to my forehead before brushing some of my hair smooth. "Rest well honey, call if you need any of us."

Smiling, I nodded before she kissed my forehead again and then left with the close of the door behind her. Not thinking much into anything else, I immediately got into my bed and for the first time in a while my dream was not involving Mr Bates.


Mr Bates' POV

Luke's family were back and I was not happy about it. His family were problematic because I knew how protective they were over him and them with Ashton would be hard to get passed.

However, that's why I was going to wait for Luke's 18th because that's when he was going to be most vulnerable as he is most likely going to be intoxicated along with Ashton and his friends; his parents would probably be nowhere in sight and so then would be the perfect time to reclaim Luke.

His birthday was in 2 days and I was hoping that the word about my escape will still not have gotten out by then because that would ruin everthing but I had faith it wouldn't get out as it had already been a few days.

It was exciting for me although I knew it wouldn't be for Luke, yesterday had only made me want Luke more and the days now seemed to be dragging because he still wasn't mine.

The only thing keeping my cover still was the thought of being able to take him when no one would notice, that would mean he would be mine and he was able to stay mine which was the aim of all of this.

And boy was I excited.


A/N: So this is chapter 5, what do you guys think? I'm not really liking this and I feel like I'm kind of rushing this story but Idk, you guys can answer that better than me so please vote and comment on this xx

Thanks for reading.

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