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Connor's POV

After the man left, I kept myself still asking the wall for a period because I was scared. I knew who he was and I knew he kidnapped that boy, now I was just worried because he told me not to call the police but I had to. That boy needed help, surely.

Grabbing the phone at the desk, I shakily dialled 999, doing my best not to back out of what I was doing. However, I knew if I didn't then I'd certainly feel guilty because I was letting that man get away with a serious crime and I was potentially allowing that boy to get in even more danger. I know I'd want someone to call the police if they knew about it and I was in the boy's position.

"Hello, 999, what's your emergency?" A female voice came through the phone.

"I'm not sure if this counts as an emergency but I've seen Bates, I think it is, the one who kidnapped that boy? And I think I know where he is." I explained, hoping I wouldn't get in trouble if this wasn't an emergency, I was trying to do the right thing after all.

"I'll re-direct you to Detective McCall who is on the case for that." She said.

"Thank you." I replied just before the line was re-routed and the woman was replaced by a man.

"Hello? You have information about Adrian Bates and Luke Hemmings?" He spoke.

"Bates came into the shop where I work and he threatened me when I recognised him but I think I know where he is." I replied, hoping this was helpful.

"What's your name and where are you?" He said, quickly, obvious eager to do something about this case.

"My names Connor and I work at the petrol station along Liverpool road, out of the town. The street has few things on it down this end and so I think I know where Bates is." I said.

"Me and a few officers will make our way too you now, don't make any attempts to try and reach Bates before we get there. Thank you very much for calling, you're helping a lot of people." The detective spoke before hanging up, leaving me with a proud feeling because I'd actually done something to help someone despite me being terrified of a possible outcome for me.

Sighing, I leaned back against the wall again, unsure of what I was supposed to do now. Well, I guess I just had to wait for the police.

The wait wasn't particularly long, 25 minutes or so, and I had had the odd customer come in in that time so it was bad. Though, I hadn't prepared myself for a worried looking older couple and a frantic teenage boy. I assumed they knew the kidnapped victim.

"Connor?" I large man wearing a suit and police badge walked up to me.

"That's me." I replied.

"You believe to know the whereabouts of Bates, correct?" He asked and I nodded, the detective then let out a deep sigh.

"Good, that's good, I've had to bring the kid's parents and boyfriend and so that news has just made the situation with them a whole lot better."

"I'm glad I could help." I said, smiling slightly.

"Believe me, you really are." He placed his hand on my shoulder before leading me out towards a police car, I assume so I can direct them to where I think the criminal is.

"Have you seen Luke?" The frantic teenage boy asked as I walked by, I hesitated before I shook my head watching the boy's face drop.

Getting into the car the detective led me to, I sat in the front passenger seat and waited for the detective to tell me what information he wants from me about this. The teenage boy slipped into the back seat of the car, the detective didn't seem to notice nor care.

"So, where is Bates?" The detective asked.

"Well, I drive this way to work and I drove past the car on a few occasions and so I can tell you when I've seen the car because I don't remember exactly where it is. Although it is about 15 – 20 minutes down the road." I stated, hoping that was helpful.

"That's the only lead we have and so I'm going to have to go with it, just keep a watchful eye ok? Tell me if you think you've seen it, it doesn't matter if it turns out not to be Bates, we just have to find the boy." The detective sounded desperate and slightly like he was losing hope, I would too after a week or more of nothing.

"Ok, I understand." I said, hoping to reassure the detective that I would do my best to spot the car and find who he wanted to catch.

"Thank you." The boy in the backseat said.

"I'm just trying to do the right thing." I replied as the detective started driving.

"I'm Ashton, by the way." He spoke and I told him my name in response. "I'll always be grateful for this, Connor."

Smiling, I looked around the street to try and catch of the glimpse of the car in case he'd parked further down and walked just in case I had called the police. I knew he'd obviously want to keep his location hidden and so my eyes were quickly scanning the area as we drove.

I did feel a sense of happiness as we went along because I was helping people who were obviously distressed, that was a good feeling. And I suppose I got my karma for this when I spotted the little blue car about 15 minutes away from the petrol station.

My good deed was now maybe pulling off.


A/N: This may be the worst thing I've written for a while but I'm uploading it to see if you guys like it, like the last chapter, because it's your opinions that matter after all. If you hate it though, tell me and I can improve it.

However, if you actually manage to get enjoyment out of this, please vote and comment. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks x

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