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A/N: Ok, so this is Detective McCall's POV and he is the one who took the case of Mr Bates originally and so he's been introduced here as the one who is now dealing with Mr Bates' escape, which he will have only just found out about.

Also, Nash is not Nash Grier ok? He is a racist homophobe who has not place in this story and I strongly dislike him anyway. Nash is from the film Prom Night, the film off which this book is based.

Hope you enjoy.

Detective McCall's POV

"Sir, we have a guard from Wymott prison on the phone, he needs to speak to you on a matter of urgency." An officer popped his head around the door to my office.

"Have you sent the call through?" I asked him, meaning has he sent it through to my telephone on my desk.

"Doing so now, sir." He said before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Picking up the phone, I waited for the call to be transferred and when it was the guard of Wymott prison spoke before I even got the chance.

"Hello Detective McCall, this is Jeffery Doyle, a guard at Wymott prison, to inform you of the escaping of Adrian Bates. The file states that you were the officer on the case and we have reason to believe that Mr Bates is located in your area."

"How long has it been since he escaped?"

"About 5 days sir."

My anger grew quickly, "He's been out 5 days and you're only telling me this now?! How is word only just getting to me?!" I shouted, demanding an answer for their serious lack of competence.

"I-I don't know, Sir." Doyle stammered.

"That man is a convicted paedophile, he should have been under close watch anyway. He should have been getting the mental help he requires and so you should have noticed and informed me quicker than this." I slammed the phone down on Doyle, not giving him a time to respond because now time was of the essence.

"Nash, get in here!" I shouted to the younger officer who was outside my office.


"You're coming with me, Adrian Bates has escaped." I said to him and he gave me a puzzled look.

Walking through the door, I explained to him as we started walking to my car. "It was a case 2 years ago. Bates was a teacher and he had an obsession with one of his students, he left him notes in his locker but all the while he was stalking the kid."

"Then what?" Nash asked as I started driving.

"Bates touched him, kissed him, did things a teacher shouldn't and I had to arrest him. When we went to his house, we found pictures of the kid everywhere; he had them in folders and on his computer. Hundreds of them." I explained.

"We going to tell him and his parents?" Nash asked.

"Yeah, they need to know and watch needs to be placed on the house if Bates is heading this way, which it's believed he is."

"Poor kid, and his parents." Nash said and I just nodded my head and sighed.


"What do you mean he escaped 5 days ago?" Mrs Hemmings somewhat shouted and I understood her anger, I was angry likewise because her son was now in potentially very serious danger.

"We don't know what happened, I only found out half an hour ago but we're already working on the situation. Watch is going to be placed on your house so you are safe and we're going to contact the police in Manchester so they can find Luke and Nash and myself are going to head up there to bring him back."

"Anything could have happened to him by now." Mrs Hemmings cried and Mr Hemmings wrapped her into a hug, attempting to soothe her. My sympathy really went out to the parents.

"Mum, calm down." One of her other sons spoke to her as he stood up to try and soothe her also.

"We'll do our best to protect him, Mrs Hemmings." I said and Mr Hemmings turned to look at me.

"Just make sure you bring him back safely, please." Mr Hemmings instructed as well as pleaded, he was obviously worried about his son and although the news had only just gotten to them, it was clear it was affecting them both.

Nodding, I said goodbye to the couple before leaving their house and going back out to my car.

"Back-up has been called for here and they should be here in about 5 minutes, another car is on the way to go to Manchester with us to bring Luke's friends back as well. I've told the police down in Manchester and they're working on getting hold of Luke's phone but they're on the way to his hotel as well as the club he was going to tonight for his 18th." Nash explained when I'd sat down.

"Nice birthday present." I sarcastically commented as I started to drive.

"How'd his parents take it?" Nash asked after a moment.

"As well as any parent would I suppose but they've got both of their other sons with them so when we get Luke back to them, they'll hopefully feel better."

"Must be really hard." Nash commented and I couldn't agree more. I know I'd find it hard if some paedophile had escaped from prison and was trying to get to my kid.

"Well as long as we catch Bates and get Luke back safely, everything should be ok."


A/N: So, this is chapter 11. I'm sorry, it's really boring but I needed to write it I guess. Hope you guys don't hate it too much.

Please let me know what you think by voting and commenting, more comments especially would be great. Thanks x

Also, I'm going to try do a double update because the next chapter will be more interesting x

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