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Luke's POV

Before getting in the car, I decided I wanted to thank Connor now and so I walked over to him, my parents and Ashton trailed behind me. 

"Hey, Connor?" I said, gaining the boy's full attention. "Thank you, for calling the police and helping them find me."

"No worries, I just wanted to do the right thing." Connor smiles and I nodded my head before I felt Ashton slide up next to me and take my hand.

"We all can't thank you enough for what you did." Ashton then said, smiling at the boy.

"Like I said, no worries, I just wanted to help."  

"Do you mind if I get your number? I mean, I feel like I need to stay in contact with you because you've been so helpful to us."

"Oh, yeah sure." Connor said and they both exchanged numbers.

"Call me if you need anything, literally anything. It's the least I can do for all you've done for me." Ashton said with a large smile on his face. "Though I think we should go now, get Luke here home." He said and then looked at me with a sad smile.

"Yeah, I understand." Connor said and we both smiled at him before thanking him a final time and walking over to the police car. My parents we already sat in the car, my dad in the front passenger seat and my mum sat behind him.

I slid into the car first so I was sat in the middle with my mum and Ashton on either side of me. My mum took my hand as I sat down and shot me a smile, she looked upset though.

"Mum, are you ok?" I asked and she nodded before bringing her hand up to my cheek.

"I'm just glad to have my baby boy back." She said before leaning in to kiss my forehead. "I love you, Luke."

"I love you too, Mum." I said and she kissed my head again before smiling at me, she kept a tight hold of my hand though like she was afraid I'd disappear or something. I guess I understood her though, I'd probably be the same if my kid went missing.

Turning around to Ashton, I saw his smile kind of drop upon looking at my face and I assumed it was because of my eye although he didn't mention anything, he just brought me in for a kiss and I wasn't going to argue with that.

I'd been waiting a week to see him and I was going to take every kiss or hug he gave me because I had missed him a hell of a lot.

After a few minutes, Detective McCall got into the car and began explaining what was going to happen with Bates.

"Bates is going to be taken to the hospital for the wound he sustained and once treatment has been given we are going to take him back to the prison, security will be tightened around him and a date with be set for further sentencing of Bates." The Detective spoke and then smiled, "Bates will almost definitely get a longer sentence for the crimes he committed after escaping, I can assure you that you will never have to see him again."

"Thank you, detective." My dad said with a smile and I smiled too because my tormentor was finally gone and he was gone for good this time.

Alright, I get that I was most likely to have more nightmares and it was going to be hard after everything to try and get everything back to normal but at least I had the comfort of knowing that I was going to be ok and I would no longer have to worry about Bates coming back.

Keeping the smile on my face, I dropped my head onto Ashton's shoulder and kept hold of my mum's hand. Ashton pressed a kiss to the top of my head and my smile widened, I felt happy.

Detective McCall started on the journey back home and I already started feeling myself drift, the events of the past week seemed to have caught up with me and it seemed now that because I finally felt relaxed I just wanted to sleep.

"I love you." Ashton whispered and pressed yet another kiss to my head.

And in that moment, everything felt great.


A/N: This is short and has a crappy ending but I was stuck and so I hope you guys don't mind. Please vote and comment, let me know what you think. Comments really help with motivation so thank you if you do comment, and vote. Thanks for reading x

P.S Prologue to 'Everything I'm Not' is up, go check it out xx

escaped → lashton {sequel to captivated} ✓Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora