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Luke's POV

Hearing footsteps, I turned around on the bed and looked towards the door as I did every morning. I'd been doing it for a week and the lack of motivation to try and wake up was ever increasing. I didn't see the point when I wasn't with Ashton.

"Lukey?" Bates stuck his head around the door, checking if I was awake.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Good, you're awake." He smiled and walked over to me, pulling a key out from his pocket.

"What are you doing?" I asked, growing suspicious.

"I'm letting you have a shower because I know you want one." Bates said and then unlocked the chain from my ankle. "You've been here a week and you could use one, also I think you need this chain off."

As soon as my ankle was free, I stood up and it felt weird since I hadn't stood up in a week, nor had I tried walking and so my walking was a little off.

Bates grabbed my arm and walked me to the bathroom, I wanted to try some kick-arse escape plan but my legs were off and I didn't even know how to try and escape effectively. However, I could probably think one up whilst I was in the shower, that should be enough time.

"You've got 10 minutes, knock on the door when you finish so I can give you some clothes." He said before pushing me into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

Not wasting any time, I jumped in the shower, enjoying the feeling of the water on my body. I could now finally feel clean; I'd been itching for a shower for the past 5 days and it felt good to get one. As I showered, my thoughts wandered to Ashton and a sadness encased me.

A week without seeing him was hard, I missed him a lot and I wasn't sure when I'd see him again. So far, bates hadn't done anything to me really and I wasn't sure what his motive was being that but it made me slightly paranoid because it felt like he was going to wait until I'm completely vulnerable to do anything. And, it almost felt like he was taunting me.

The sooner I was back with Ashton the better, I was going slightly crazy here because my only company was Bates and I hated it. He was sick, psychotic and he has some weird obsession with trying to touch me. Most of the time, he doesn't get too far because I hit him but on more than one occasion I had woken up with him kissing me and touching me. Not the nicest thing to wake up to as it'd just made me want to throw up.

Sighing, I finished showering before drying myself and then I slipped the towel around my waist just in case Bates' tried anything when he opened the door.

Knocking lightly, I immediately heard the key turn in the lock and the door was pushed open. Bates smirked at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the bathroom. No clothes were in his hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked, not liking him being so close when I'm essentially naked.

"You're so attractive, do you expect me to pass the opportunity of you being naked right now?"  Bates smirked further and grabbed my arms.

"G-get off." I said, sounding nervous and he tried to kiss me.

"Let's go back to your room." He said before roughly pulling me into 'my room' and shoving me on the bed. I clung tightly to the towel around my waist.

Bates clambered on top of me, trapping me to the bed with his body and he grabbed my arms before leaning over and picking up a rope which was sat next to a pile of fresh clothes.

"Please stop." I begged as he tied my hands to the headboard; it was obvious where this was heading and I wanted no part in it, even if it meant I had to sound pathetic. Begging was my only option.

"I originally was going to wait slightly longer for this but then I thought about you being naked in there and I decided that I wasn't going to wait. You've been here a week, I think that's wait enough." Bates then grabbed my chin so he could kiss me whilst his other hand trailed down my chest, getting closer to my towel.

"No, stop, please." I begged yet again but it fell on deaf ears as Bates just sealed his hand over my mouth to shut me up before he grabbed my towel, ready to pull it off although he was taunting me.

"I love you Luke, I love you so much." Bates said before removing his hand so he could kiss me again, tears were flowing down my face but he just ignored me.

He pulled back and smirked at seeing my face, "Please don't do this, I don't want this." I said and Bates just laughed at me. He was obviously my distress amusing which was pretty sick in itself, even more so when he says he loves me.

"I don't care." He smiled before leaning in again.


A/N: So, what do you think? I'm feeling kind of ok about this chapter and I want to know what you guys think of it so please vote and comment cos I know there are a lot of ghost readers out there so please? Thank you to those who do.

I'll try update on Monday since they'll be no updates tomorrow because I'm going to see The Veronicas so Monday will be the earliest.

Thanks for reading x

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