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 Luke's POV

He pulled back and smirked at seeing my face, "Please don't do this, I don't want this." I said and Bates just laughed at me. He was obviously my distress amusing which was pretty sick in itself, even more so when he says he loves me.

"I don't care." He smiled before leaning in again.

Panicking, I rushed out "But you said you loved me, wouldn't you want me to be comfortable with this?" Basically I was clutching at straws, just trying anything to get him to back off.

"But I want to do this Luke, I've waited more than 2 years for you." He replied, looking desperate.

"But I don't want to, I want Ashton, why don't you get that?"

"Because he doesn't deserve you."

"He deserves me more than you so let me go, I'm so fucking sick of you." I yelled, growing frustrated by Bates and his complete lack of understanding or willingness to listen to me.

"Well, you're going to have to get used to me because you're stuck here with me." Bates laughed and I really wanted to punch him.

"God just let me go." I groaned, tugging on the rope but getting nowhere. "Why can't you just let me go? And don't give me some bullshit about you loving me, I'm 18 and you're over 40 and you were my teacher! You violated that trust I was supposed to have in you and you ruined a part of my life that was supposed to be carefree and fun and you filled it with nightmares!" I cried, tears slipping down my face despite me wanting to stay strong.

"Oh Luke, I never wanted that. I love you and I want you to love me, I did then and I do now. My method, admittedly, aren't great but you wouldn't give me a chance. You saw who I was and freaked, that's why I didn't want you to know who I was but I had to and can you blame me. I mean, look at you." Bates sighed and tried placing his hands on my cheeks to act as though he actually cared about that.

"No, you do not get to touch me." I pulled my face away. "I don't care if you think you love me and that's why you're a psycho, I don't like you and you should accept that."

"Baby, don't be like that." Bates sighed and I just shook my head as more tears fell.

"I want Ashton, please let me go back to him."

"No." He growled, "I hate him and you are not seeing him again, get that through your head." He spat, obviously angry at me mentioning Ashton again.

"I hate you, I fucking hate you. You're a psychotic pri-" I attempted to insult him, trying to let my frustrations out, but I was cut off when he slapped me across the cheek. My head snapped to the left as I let out a squeal.

"You are such a little bitch, I'm sick of hearing you talk to me like that." He said and leaned over to grab a roll of tape. I didn't put up much of a protest as he sealed my lips shut because it'd be wasting my energy. "The sooner you learn to be the nice to me, the sooner I will be nicer to you. I'll treat you like this as long as you keep treating me like shit." He glared at me before storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Now he'd left me alone tied up with a throbbing cheek, a towel adorning my waist. Good job I'd slipped my old underwear on, I thought.

Closing my eyes, I let some more tears go as my anger vanished but was replaced with sadness. I don't want to be here, I want to be with Ashton right now, I want him to be holding me. Comfort was what I really needed and Bates was going to give anything but that.

He is a psycho and he can't see it, he can't accept that I don't like him and I never will. He's allowed to delude himself into thinking that there is a chance of something willingly happening between us, he thinks I'll love him. I'll never love him, how could I when he's such a monster? Kidnapping is not an effective way of getting someone to love you and no matter how long he has me, nothing but my hatred will change and that will only increase.

Letting my head flop and practically sobbing, my only thought was of Ashton. God did I need him right now.

I needed someone to save me, I needed Ashton to save me.


A/N: This is short and has an absolutely awful ending but I kind of started this last night and I just finished it but yeah, I got a little stuck. However, I said I wouldn't update today but I am so you should kind of be happy about that I suppose. Idk.

This is an early update too, time in the day wise, so I'm not sure how many of you will read this but if you do please vote and comment. I'd really like some more of you to do that, thanks if you do xx

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