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Luke's POV

"Alright boys, you all ready to go?" Ashton asked as he stood by the door, waiting for Malum and I to finish getting ready.

"We're ready." I said as I finished slipping my shoes on, Calum and Michael did the same and moved towards the door.

We were all about to leave when my mum stepped out from the kitchen. "Are you boys off now?" She asked.

"Yeah, we'll be back tomorrow, I'll see you then." I said to her and she smiled.

"Ok but you boys be careful." My mum warned, "But have fun." She then smiled at us again and we all said our goodbyes to her. It was nice that she trusted us enough to let us go to Manchester for the night and then make our way back, normally she wouldn't let me do that.

Guess that's a perk of turning 18.

"Your mum is so nice." Calum commented as we got into Ashton's car.

"She's a little weird but yeah." I replied and smiled.

"Well, she's letting you go to Manchester clubbing with us 3 so I guess that is a little weird." Calum laughed and I had to nod my head in agreement.

"We're not that bad." Ashton laughed and defended the 3.

"My mum loves all 3 of you so I don't think you had anything to worry about." I spoke and all of them laughed lightly before Malum started chatting amongst themselves as they were sat in the back seats.

Ashton then decided to speak to me, "How are you feeling, Luke?"

"I'm ok, feeling better than I was before." I admitted and Ashton smiled, obviously happy.

"That's good, I'm so glad to hear that." Ashton commented and I nodded my head.

Ashton and I then seemed to just tune into Malum's conversation, they were talking about anything specific, just flicking between random topics which wasn't that bad. They were making me smile and laugh at times, it was nice. My birthday wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be when I woke up this morning.

My friends never failed to make me feel better and I loved that about them.


After about an hour and a half, Ashton pulled up at the hotel we were staying in and told Calum and I to stay in the car whilst he and Mickey just went up to our room to put the bags down. I understood it because Ashton wasn't even sure that any of us would drive later and so he wanted the bags there and ready.

"So, how are the nightmares?" Calum decided to ask the second Ashton was away from the car.

"They're still pretty horrible but I'm taking my tablets so they are less frequent."

"That's good, I'm happy for you."

"Thank you."

"How are your parents taking it?" He then asked.

"They're being pretty ok with it, they are supportive and understanding so they're helping." I smiled.

"That's great, I'm glad they're helping. You deserve to be happy and feel ok." Calum said, looking down for a moment.

"Thanks, Cal. Really, thank you."

Before either of us could talk again, Ashton and Michael returned, seeming happier than usual and I guessed that them starting to party in less than 10 minutes has something to do with that.

"Are you guys ready?" Ashton asked as he pulled out and started to drive to the club we'd picked out.

"I'm ready to finally celebrate Luke's 18th; it's been a long time coming." Calum said and Michael agreed with him. The sentence made me feel a sense of joy because they actually gave a shit about my birthday and actually wanted to celebrate it.

Ashton just smiled and this smile widened when he pulled up outside the club, I could sense his desire to get in there.

"Ok, guys, we stick to at least being in two's and I know I sound like a parent but I don't want anyone to get hurt or whatever because they're alone. Also, if you leave a drink then don't go back to it, just get a new one."

"Geez, Ash calm down, we aren't stupid." Calum laughed.

"Yeah I know but I don't want anything to happen to you guys, I don't care about how much of nag I sound."

"Well, we've got it all down, we'll be fine. Now, can we just go and party?" Calum spoke again, eager himself to get started.

"Yes, go on." Ashton laughed and Malum immediately got out of the car and went into the club.

Ashton and I then got out of the car, he locked it and then took my hand. "Are you ready? He asked me.

"Yeah." Was all I said to him and he smiled.

"If you're worried, I'm here you know? Just stick with me."

"I know, Ash, really. I'm fine." I assured him and he kissed my cheek.

Ashton then tugged me towards the club, "Let's go party then."


A/N: This is like the worst thing I've ever written, I'm sorry it's so bad.

The next chapters will be more interesting, Mr Bates will be in the chapters soon.

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