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Ashton's POV

The sound of screaming woke me from my sleep, I shot up in the bed to see Mrs Hemmings being held by Mr Hemmings as she cried. Turning my head, I looked to grab Luke but panicked when he was wasn't there.

When I turned back around, Mr Hemmings shot me a look of sympathy and I knew something was up.

"Where's Luke?" I asked, a bad feeling growing within me.

"He's gone." Mr Hemmings said, his eyes beginning to water. "Bates got him."

"W-what?" The pain in my chest was growing.

"He must have come in last night and took him, the police on watch are...dead."

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I looked down as my own eyes started to water. How did I not wake up? I thought, already blaming myself because he was lying right next to me and I was holding him yet I didn't help him.

"Don't blame yourself, Ashton, please." Luke's dad spoke from the doorway, his arms still wrapped around his crying wife.

I simply nodded my head, refusing to make eye contact because how can I look him in the eye when the reason Bates managed to get Luke is because I wasn't alert enough, I should have stayed awake or I just should have done more.

"The police are on their way here, they'll help us find him. We all have to hope right and believe that we'll find him." Mr Hemmings now was crying and I turned to look at him, feeling extremely bad for him because it much be so hard to know that your son has been kidnapped by a psycho who murdered people to get to him.

"I'm sorry." I said and he just shot me a small smile.

"Don't apologise, it's not your fault and I know this is affecting you too." Mr Hemmings said and shot me a sympathetic smile.

"Do you mind if I go tell Michael and Calum? I mean, I know the police are coming and if you want me here then I'll stay."

"No, you go, they should know." He said and I nodded before getting up and slipping my jeans on.

Slipping past Luke's parents, I pulled my shoes on before heading out of their house. I felt bad leaving them right now but Malum needed to know that their best friend had been kidnapped in the middle of the night by our creepy ex-teacher. They won't take the news well and I understand why, I was just worried about telling them.

Arriving at Michael's house, I hoped the pair were both still there so I wouldn't have to explain the situation twice. It was hard even trying to say it to myself.

"Hey, Ash." Michael greeted when he opened the door after I'd knocked.

"Is Calum still here?" I asked and I guess Michael noticed my deflated look because he suddenly frowned.

"Yeah but what's wrong?" He asked, obviously now a little worried.

"I just need to talk to both of you." I said before entering the house whilst Michael shouted Calum to come downstairs.

"Hey Ash, where's Luke?" Calum quizzed as he walked down the stairs and even the mention of his name made my heart drop.

"That's what I need to talk to you about." I sighed.

"What happened?" Michael asked, even more worried.

Looking down at my hands, I told them about what was happening. "Bates...he took Luke."

"He what?" Calum gasped.

"Please, I don't want to say it again, it's hard to say it once." I said and Calum moved into to hug me, Michael then joined.

"It'll be ok, Ash, we'll find him." Calum tried to reassure me but the tears had already started to fall, I didn't know how much danger he was in and anything could happen to him when none of us know where he is.

"What if we don't?" I practically sobbed.

"Ash, we'll find him, you need to be positive right now. For Luke's sake." Michael rubbed at my back.

"I can't, Michael, I can't when I don't know what's happening to him. Bates is a psycho, he's murdered police men to get to him and he took him right from me. I don't know what's going to happen to him and I'm scared, I'm so scared."

"Hey, hey, calm down." Calum tried to soothe me.

"I can't, Calum, I just want him back. I need him here." I cried and it felt like the tears weren't ever going to stop. Luke being kidnapped was affecting me a lot more than I ever could have guessed and the pain I was feeling was immense.

I wanted him here, where I knew he was safe but now I didn't know what to do. The police were only going to do so much whereas Luke would be stuck there until someone found him or he managed to escape.

I just wanted Luke...


A/N: This is really boring and took me like 2 days to write, I'm sorry about that.

However, thanks for the 10k reads

Thanks for reading x

 Also, does anyone else hate the new layout for the reading page on the desktop? I literally cannot stand it

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