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Luke's POV

My parents had been on holiday the past few weeks and they were coming back tomorrow and so I was out at the shops food shopping. We needed some food in because Ashton and I had eaten it all, they wouldn't mind as long as we replaced it.

Ashton however wouldn't come with me as he went out to go get stuff for uni which was slightly frustrating because I still had that uneasy feeling from the nightmare and I'd feel a lot more comfortable if Ashton was with me. I had explained this to him but he told me I had nothing to worry about and so convinced me to go by myself.

The uneasy feeling that was present with me meant I was feeling slightly paranoid, it felt as though someone was watching me and I didn't know if that was just me being paranoid or not.

However, I tried my best to go about the shopping and I ignored the feeling as best I could as it was probably just that dream still leaving a lingering feeling. The chances of someone actually watching me must have been slim because who would want to?

No one is the answer to that.

Walking around the supermarket, I picked up the various items that I'd written down on my list but as I turned back around to return to my trolly after having gone down the aisle slightly, a body collided with mine and I was knocked back onto my bum.

Whoever it was that knocked me over appeared to keep his face hidden but his hands secured themselves around my waist as he helped me stand up.

His hands seemed to stay on my body longer than necessary and when the man realised, he quickly pulled his hands away and sped off before I could even thank him for helping me up. The man was a little weird.

After doing the shopping, I made my way home by walking and I did it quickly because the feeling of eyes watching me was ever present. And the man that had bumped into me hadn't done anything to calm my nerves.

However, arriving home in under 15 minutes, I was taken a little by surprise when Ashton was stood by the door and the shopping bags were taken straight out of my hands. And before I even had time to react, he pressed his lips to mine and placed his hands on my cheeks.

"What took you so long? I was beginning to get worried because I was starting to think that the 'being watched' feeling you are having was true and something happened to you." Ashton seemed kind of frantic.

"I wasn't gone that long?" I said but held a questioning tone because I hadn't thought I was too long.

"Yeah you were but you're ok right?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I mean that weird feeling stayed with me and there was a strange man in the shop but I'm ok." I admitted and Ashton grew confused.

"Are you? And what do you mean by strange?"

"He just knocked me over and I couldn't see his face but he held onto my hips longer than necessary before quickly walking off, I'm alright though, stop stressing." I brushed my hands through Ashton's hair and rested them on the back of his neck.

Ashton sighed, "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied before leaning in to kiss him.

"Let me help you put the shopping away." Ashton then said as he pulled away, I smiled at him because he was a good boyfriend; it was nice to see he cared about those feelings I was having and that he was worried about me.

I really did love him and hoped that whatever feeling I had meant nothing.


Mr Bates' POV

I had been watching Luke, for multiple days now and I could see he was on edge slightly; he kept glancing round the place as if he was trying to catch the eye of someone. Presumably he wanted to catch me, even if he didn't know it was me who was watching him.

Luke got to go shopping on his own and I took this as a wonderful opportunity to watch him, he even bent down at convenient times so I got a nice view of his lovely bum.

Just sitting and watching him was hard, I wanted to go up to him and I think that's why when I saw him with his back turned I began to walk up to him. Excitement rushed through me as I got closer, just being so close to him was exhilarating.

However, just before getting to him I tried backing out because I didn't want him to see my face and ruin all of this, but before I could Luke turned back around and I ended up bumping into him and knocking him back.  

Using it as an excuse to touch Luke, I moved to help him stand up by placing my hands on his waist. Though, realising that I had been holding him too long I had to quickly remove my hands and then rush off before he got a chance to see my face. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to stay because that'd been the first time in 2 years that I'd held Luke but I knew I couldn't stay. Today wasn't the day I would make him mine.

I still had to wait, just a few more days, that's all and then Luke was mine. Just mine and there was going to be no one there to stop me.


A/N: Crap but oh well, it's your opinions that matter so what do you guys think?

Please let me know, it really helps my motivation to write so please vote and comment on this chapter.

Thanks for reading x

escaped → lashton {sequel to captivated} ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt