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Luke's POV

Lying on the backseat of the car Mr Bates was driving, I tried my best to try and undo the rope around my wrists but all I seemed to do was rub the skin until it was raw. Probably why he used rope, I thought.

Getting fed up, I let out a groan and Bates began to laugh at me.

"There's no use Lukey, you're just gonna injure yourself."

"Untie me!" I tried to yell and it was fairly coherent but that just made Bates laugh more.

"I'm not untying you, baby, you look far too pretty for that." He said but as he pulled up to a red light, he turned around to me. "But as you're going to be there for a while I'll take the cloth out if you promise not to scream?"

Nodding my head, Mr Bates reached behind him to pull the cloth from my mouth and despite me hating his guts, I thanked him; more so as a precaution than anything else.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him as he began to drive again, genuinely curious as to why he couldn't just leave me alone.

"You've been all I've thought about for 2 years, I got so close to having you when you were 16 but that chance was taken from me quickly and I wanted to try again. I like you far too much to give you up, I told you I loved you and I do. I really do. More than Ashton." Bates said, almost spitting out Ashton's name.

"But the difference is, is that I love Ashton not you. You can't just kidnap me because you think you love me, that isn't how it works." I tried my best not to yell, for fear of him putting the cloth back in place. I didn't want to anger him when I was so vulnerable.

"Well, it's how it is working and there's nothing you can do to change it. Ashton isn't here to help you, he won't even know you're gone until he wakes up and it's been an hour as it is. He isn't going to find you, the police aren't going to find you. No one is ever going to find you so instead of telling me that I can't do this, accept that I am and embrace your new life with me." Bates snapped angrily, his words obviously trying to affect me and they did. They really did.

"You're a bastard and I fucking hate you." I spat at him and he just laughed, a long and taunting laugh.

"Like that matters, you're mine now and there is nothing you can do about it."

Groaning, I slammed my head down on the seats before turning it away so I wasn't looking at Mr Bates' disgusting face.

However, sometime within the next half an hour of Bates driving, I seemed to start drifting off and I was close to fully falling asleep when Mr Bates seemed to pull up somewhere, the sound of him slamming his door jolted me fully awake.

Looking out of the windows, I saw Mr Bates walk round to the side of the car where my feet were facing and he opened this door before quickly untying the knot from the handle. Once he'd done that, he pulled me by the legs towards him and once my head was out of the car he bent down to lift me over his shoulder.

I struggled to look around me, to try and see where I was but I didn't recognise anything, not the most reassuring thing when you've just been kidnapped.

Bates didn't speak as he carried me into a building, he then carried me into a room about 10 steps away from the front door before he dumped me down on a bed. Taking in my surroundings, I noticed that the room was empty aside from this bed and from what I could see of where he'd carried me from, that was empty too.

"Where are we?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"A building I found out about 2 years ago, it's empty and I have no idea what it was used for but it seems like people have been using it as there are beds about the place and even a telly. I'm not sure if it works and I'm not sure where the people went but it should be a good place to keep us hidden, more specifically to keep you hidden." Mr Bates smirked at me and I felt sick, he knew about this place 2 years ago and that to me implies this is where he wanted to take me originally. He had this all planned out and if that doesn't show how disturbed he is then I don't know what will.

"How are you getting food if you're an escaped criminal, someone is going to recognise you and then someone is going to find me because of that." I tried somewhat scaring Bates, it was a poor but desperate attempt to make him let me go.

"I have my ways, Lukey, don't you worry." He said with a smile before moving to the side of the bed and leaning over to pick a chain?

"What are you doing?" I asked, suddenly even more creeped out by the man in front of me.

"Well, I know rope is uncomfortable and so I thought this would be more practical." He smirked and I tried moving away from him as he attached the chain to the bed with a padlock but when he'd done that he grabbed my legs to undo the rope around them before quickly, but tightly, wrapped the chain around my ankle and snapping a padlock on it to hold it there. Effectively, I was confined to this bed and room now.

"Bates, please just let me go." I begged as he untied my wrists.

"I already told you no Lukey, you're mine and it's going to stay that way." He smirked and then leaned in to kiss my cheek again but I shoved him away harshly.

"Get the fuck away from me." I spat.

"I'll be back later then, don't go away." He mocked before laughing and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Once he'd gone, a wave of sadness hit me because I finally realised I was stuck here with my stalker of an ex-teacher and there was nothing I could do about it. And I guess that's when the tears started to fall and all I wanted was Ashton.


A/N: So this is chapter 18, what do you guys think? I got a lot of feedback on the last chapter and I'd really appreciate if you could give me some good feedback on this too so please vote and comment xx

Thanks for reading x

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