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Luke's POV

Detective McCall pulled up outside my house around an hour and 15 minutes after leaving the hotel and before I was even out of the car my mother was pulling open the door to my house, some tears rolling down her cheeks.

Quickly getting out of the car, I rushed into my mother's open arms and she hugged me tightly. My dad then walked up to us and wrapped his arms around both of us.

 My mum was the first to pull away, "Are you ok, hun? The police told us about him being in the hotel and trying to take you." My mum looked distraught and I really felt bad for causing her so much worry.

"I'm fine, mum, really. Ashton was there to help me." I said to her and she just nodded her head before letting some more tears fall and pulling me in for another hug.

"He shouldn't be allowed to do this, not again." She whispered before pulling away and wiping her tears.

"Let's just get you inside yeah?" My dad suggested before guiding me into the house where my brothers were talking with Ashton.

Detective McCall speaking attracted everyone's attention away from me and towards the door I had just walked through, "Mrs Hemmings, do you mind if I come and talk with you and your family?"

"No, of course, come in." My mum said as she pushed us all in the living room. I sat down next to Ashton on the couch where I was joined by Jack, my parents and Ben sat on the opposite couch.  Ashton grabbed my hand before McCall started talking.

"I just wanted to inform you all that until Bates is caught, this house will be under watch. This is a form of security and protection for all of you here as we cannot be certain of Bates' motives and we have no indication to suggest he will not harm anyone here. We have 2 officers at the back of the house and 2 officers out front, they are there to look out for Bates." McCall stopped talking after he'd finished explaining what he wanted and I felt better knowing there were police officers on watch outside my house.

"Thank you, for all you're doing." My dad said to which the detective just nodded his head at before excusing himself from the house.

Leaning my head on Ashton's shoulder, he brought his arm around me. "Are you ok, Ash?" I asked him, feeling it is appropriate.

"I'm just worried about you is all." He responded and I moved away from him to kiss his cheek.

"I'm sorry." I apologised.

"Don't apologise for something that isn't your fault." He said and I just nodded, not convinced.

"Mum? Is it ok if Ashton stays tonight?" I asked, hopeful that my mother would say it was ok given the situation.

"Of course honey, if he makes you feel better and I think we'll all feel a little better with him being with you." My mum replied, a sad smile upon her lips.

"Thank you." Was all I said, feeling kind of awkward again that the mood was back to a sad one and it was because of me. Knowing everyone was glum because of you makes you feel slightly uncomfortable and unsure of what to do.

"Well, it's late, I think we should all just try and get some sleep." My mum said and we all just nodded at her before standing up.

I gave both of my parents hugs before going to my room, Ashton trailing behind me. Sitting down on my bed, I let out a heavy sigh and Ashton just shot me a sympathetic smile before sitting down next to me.

"They'll catch him, Luke, don't worry." Ashton said and I just sighed again.

"I guess." Was my response and this time, Ashton sighed.

"Don't be like that Luke, you have to be positive in this situation." Ashton said and I just nodded.

"I'm just tired, Ash." I said and Ashton started to pull me into a hug.

"Come here." He said and hugged me tightly, trying to make me feel better and to an extent, it did. Ashton made me feel safer and I loved that he had that effect but I just felt really down at that moment and I didn't know what to do to lift my spirits.

"Can we just try to go sleep, Ash? I'm really not feeling great." I asked when he pulled away and he nodded his head before kissing my head.

"Of course, baby." He said and then proceeded to slip out of his jeans, I did the same but slipped on some shorts just to feel more comfortable.

"Thank you for staying with me, Ash." I said as we slipped under the covers of my bed. Ashton smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him with his head rested on mine.

"Don't thank me for doing something every boyfriend should do when their boyfriend is scared and besides, I want to be here for you."

"I know but I just really appreciate you being here."

"I know." Ashton replied before kissing my forehead. "Let's just try and get some sleep, ok baby?" He then said and I nodded before snuggling in closer to him, liking the feel of him being so close to me.


A/N: Kind of boring, sorry about that. I think it's kind of necessary to have it though and I hope you guys like it. I'm not sure how many of you guys will read this since I'm updating kind of early.

I was thinking maybe that I could try doing a double update tonight? But I don't know if you guys would want one or you'd rather wait till tomorrow so I guess let me know.

Thanks for reading xx

Double Update ------->

escaped → lashton {sequel to captivated} ✓Where stories live. Discover now