Party time!!!!

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The night of the party started tonight. I was in my usual clothes but I wore short shorts ( ugh.... I'm not a big fan of them but oh well.) and I had my Pokemon hat on. I was nervous. I've never really been to a party besides school parties or birthday parties. This is going to be awkward. Then I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!" Kennedi came in. "So you are coming." "Yes I am... Do I look fine? Will it be awkward?" "Yes you look fine and no not really." Then we hear a yell. We both ran downstairs and stared. "Yay! You're here!!" It was Rachel and she was talking to the Crooked Man. ( I think he is a creepypasta so deal with it!!!) She really liked him from when we became friends. Kennedi saw Ben over by the kitchen. "Well bye!" She left me to go to Ben. Thanks... I thought. Then i saw Toby sitting on the couch. He was talking to someone. Who is she? I haven't seen her before... But she looks familiar. Then she turned around to meet Jane. Oh! I know her! That's Clockwork! I've really been a fan of her! I walked over to them. "Oh, hi Taylor!" said Toby smiling. Then Clockwork looked at me. "Hi! I'm Taylor!" She kind of looked at me like she was mad but then she smiled. "Hi, I'm Clockwork." "Nice to meet you!" Toby got up saying he will be right back. "So, are you and Toby..." she trailed off. Knowing what she was going to say, "Oh no! We are just friends!" She smiled wider. "Ok! I was wondering cause I really liked him for a while." Toby came back and sat down next to Clockwork. I got up and left saying bye but I turned around. They were chatting away. I laughed a little. They will be a cute couple. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. It was Jack. "Did I scare you?" "A little..." He laughed. "Well, I'm glad you came!" " Yeah..." I still felt weird wearing these short shorts but oh well. We talked a bit then we heard Jeff. "7 minutes in heaven!" he screamed. I growled. I HATE this game. Usually when someone forces me to play it, I get someone I don't like. We all sat in a circle and the guys put something in. ( may I remind you that there are more boys than girls in the mansion.) Jeff pulled something out but I couldn't see it. Then we walked away somewhere. He came back and held the hat thing ( I dunno Lolz) in my face. "Pick!" I groaned and fished something out of the hat. I pulled out this scalpel then Jeff grabbed my hand and threw me in the closet. Who did I get with? "Taylor?" I turned around and saw Jack. Duh stupid... Jack has a scalpel... God! My mind wasn't working today! "Uh, hi?" I said sheepishly. "I thought you didn't like this game." "Well, I usually get forced to play and Jeff... Well nobody wants to get on his bad side so, here I am!" He laughed. God... I love when he laughs... Wait what? Taylor! Shut up! "Um, Taylor? Can I have my scalpel back?" "Oh sorry! here!" I handed back his weapon and he grabbed it. I tried to get my hand back but Jack was holding on to my arm. "Um, Jack? Can I have my arm back?" "Nope." I stood there for a minute wondering why he won't let me have my arm back. Then he turned my head to his and he kissed me! ...Again. I stood there shocked cause it's been months when we kissed. He pushed me against the wall and held my arms above my head. His kiss became hungrier. He pushed his tongue in my mouth and he won dominance easily. "1 minute!" Jack separated from me and put back on his mask. My face was red like a tomato and I was gasping for air. He looked at me and smirked. Then Jeff opened the door. We both walked away from the door. "Have fun Taylor?" said Jack whispering. I playfully punched him while we sat down. Then after about 7 minutes later, Kennedi came out blushing like crazy with Ben behind her smiling. Have fun Kennedi? She shot me a death glare and sat down. After Rachel came out with Mr. Crooked, and Winter with Hoodie, probably the best one by far, Jane with Jeff, ( pffff... Hahahahahaha! Im so evil to them!!!😝😝😂😂) we all sat down and talked. Some of the girls got hooked up with their crushes like Rachel and Crooked Man, Kennedi with Ben, and Winter with Hoodie. Toby and Clockwork also got together too! After some of the Creepypasta's left, me and Jack laid on the couch.
Jack's POV
Taylor fell asleep on my lap. I smiled. Maybe I should ask her to be my girlfriend. I really like her and I know she likes me too by all her new drawings that she drew. (don't tell anybody!!!) Maybe I should tell her when she wakes up... or should I tell her now? Ugh, this is why I don't get into many relationships much... As I was thinking, Taylor woke up. *yawn* ( hahah! I made you all yawn!😂😂😬😬) "Jack?" I looked down at her. God she had a pretty face... "Yes?" "How long have I been sleeping?" "Not that long... Like an hour maybe." "Oh, ok." Maybe I should tell her now. "Hey Taylor?" "Hm?" I got closer to her ear and whispered, "do you want to be my girlfriend?" I leaned back and she hugged me. "Yes! Yes!" I laughed and hugged her back. Now she's mine and nobody will take her from me...

Hey! I uploaded today! You can thank me for not being lazy today! Anyway, I hope you all like it! And I reached 268 reads!!!!! Yes!!!!! Thanks!!!! Yes! Me and Jack got together!!!! Anyway, I will see you all later bye!!!!!!!!!😁😁😁😁😛😛😝😝😜😜

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