Knowing your Author!!! Me!!!

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Lol... I keep laughing at this!!! Hey, do u guys want more Mama Tad? Just tell me!
Ok, so... I have a lot of people who like my story!!! Which I'm happy about! So I thought, why don't my people know me better!!!!??? So here you go! Hi! My name is Taylor and I love creepypasta!!! I have brown hair that is long-ish and I have hazel eyes. Im like, 5 foot 5??? 4??? Around that hight. Ok, so that's out of the way, let's get to what I like! Ok, first off, I like anime. I absolutely LOVE anime!!! Now I'm going to get a lot of hate but.... I'm not a big fan of Attack on Titan. I know... 😨😨😨😨😱😱😱😱😱 gasp! Throw me into a hole!!! (That's what she said...) I do like it, I just don't watch it very much... But I DO like Black Butler! Awesome show!!! But in general, I like any anime. The second thing I like is creepypasta.... As you can tell. I have always been a big fan of them! When I was like, 4 or 5 I remember that I used to tell my kindergarten class all of these stories!!! If you are wondering, my favorites are: Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Lost Silver, Ben Drowned, Jeff Da Killer, Slenderman and his brothers, Sally, Jane, CrookedMan, Glitchy Red, Sonic E.X.E, Tails doll, Hoodie and Masky, Toby!!!! And that is all! Yeah it's a lot but oh well! Ok, next thing I like is that I love to draw! My friends can back me up on this one. I just love to draw! I have been drawing since I was.... 3 years old. I gotten better but I can and will draw for people. Buuuuuuut... I can't draw buildings.... I'm really horrible... You can ask my brother though! Anyway! Moving on! I love animals! Everybody that I know can tell you that I love animals! Even insects! I do freak out when there is a spider in the house because I don't know what to do, besides look at it for about... 3 minutes... Anyway! My favorite drink! I'm going to get hate for this choice but I love Mt. Dew!!!! (Kennedi, you know this too well...) Yes, me and Kennedi Ficher... Are friends! I go to her house a lot and when I do, I get high on Mt. Dew... And she knows how bad I can get with it. I will laugh like a manic and I won't stop. I go crazy and run around like I'm on fire. ( somebody call 9-1-1!) Lolz... And I yell really loud! So yeah... Me in a nutshell... Anyway! I'm going to talk about my school days! Yeah.... But really, I'm VERY quite during school. Unless I'm with my friends, you can't get me to talk. Ok that's over. Oh!!!!!!! I forgot!!!!!! I love video games!!!!!!!! Any game I love to play.... Soooo.... Ok. Talking about my family!!!!! I have 4 older brothers... Help... And a mom and dad... They broke up but they are still friends... But my mom is going into a depression and it's really bad... Good thing my youngest brother came over. By the way my youngest brother is 21 years old. I am only 14! Ok, I have had A LOT of people ask me if I have a boyfriend. NO. No I do not. (This is in my personal life not on here!) I do connect more friends that are boys than girls soooo... That gets annoying. I keep getting comments at school when I'm with my friend Ian. Like this for example! "Are you two dating?" "You two should TOTALLY date each other!!" "Awwwwww.... You two look soooooooo cute together!!!" "Is he your boyfriend?" OMG.... Stop it already!!!!!! I am aloud to have guy friends!!!! Shut up already!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 anyway... When I was new at Teays Valley East, this kid named Anthony, was AMAZED that I liked Pokemon. (Yes I do like Pokemon.) so we always talked whenever we saw each other. Then a rumor came around, (rumor has it!! Sorry...) that we were dating.... Oh dear god... I was mad at him. He started this rumor and every time he saw me, he would act like I was his. Ughhhhhhhhhhh! It made me mad. Every time I talked to another guy, he would take my hand and walk away... In my head I was like, um... Let go of my hand.... NOW! (Kennedi you know this cause I told you) Then after awhile, the rumor calmed down. I was glad he wasn't acting weird around me but here's the weird part. There's this guy, named Garrett Grey. (He's one of those popular guys...) I don't know HOW but he started to talk to me after Anthony was gone. It was weird but I took it. (Lol... That's what she said...) we became good friends and nothing happened. Until..... Health class came in 8th grade... We talked about the reproductive system.... 😳😳😳😳😱😱😱😱😨😨😨. Dear god!!!!!! Our health teacher told us EVERYTHING about it. Ugh... I wanted to puke right there... She told us it in DETAIL!!!!!! I didn't want to know that!!!! Ugh!!!!!!!! Gross... After that he stopped talking to me... Oh well... But hey, that's just a theory... A GAME THEORY!!!! thanks for watching!!! Ok, jk, jk, jk... Anyway! That is all about me!! And some drama!!!!! But really thanks. Anyway I will write some day... Thanks for reading!!!! Byeeeeeee!!!😉😉😉😝😝😝😁😁😁😜😜😜😜

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