Help? Help!

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I awoke to a dim light. Since it's so dim I can't see a fucking thing. Great I thought. Can't see anything... I tried to move but that plan failed. I looked down to see my legs. I was sitting crisscross on a floor. Wait where are my arms and hands? I can't feel them... I looked over to where my arm is and followed it up. I saw my hands in these cup things that were metal. (Yes, just like Chains where Jack's hands were chained up) How long was I out? I looked around and noticed that my eyes adjusted to the dark room. It looked like I was in a basement. Ugh... The smell... Egh!!! Smells horrible! Then I heard a blood-curdling scream from upstairs. Wtf? It sounds like Rachel... Wait... As I was thinking, the door opened. I looked up to see 2 men walking towards me. "Well, someone finally woke up!" said the tallest one. "Since you were still passed out, your friends had to accompany us for awhile." said the man with bright green eyes. "Well, what do you want to do with her?" "Dunno. Hmm...." "What? Where am I? Tell me what is happening!!!! Where are my friends?!?!??!? Why did I hear Rachel scream!?!?!?!?" I yelled. "Wow.... someone needs to chill..." "Tell me!!!!!!!" I shouted. "Well, you and your friends are in a little house on a mountain side." "What do you 2 and possibly other guys want from 4 girls?!?!?" "Well, we found you all in a big mansion in the woods so we took you 4 here!" He said that like its a good thing!!!! "We wanted to know something but your friends didn't tell us unless you were awake so..." What do they want?!?!? Answers???? To what???? The tall man went to the table in the back of the room and grabbed something small and shiny. "Why were you girls at the Creepypasta Mansion?" I stared at him. How does he know about them?!?!? I didn't realize that I was staring at the ground so I shook my head and stared back at him. "Not going to tell me?" "Why should I tell you anyway?" He smiled. "I like this one. She can actually put up an argument." The tall one smiled too. "But I will say this again, why were you girls at the Slenderman Mansion and what were you doing?" "I will say this again too, why the fuck should I tell you?!?" "Listen, if you want to not be harmed, then you should answer my question." "Well, tell me why should I tell you about my life?!?" God these men are so stupid... The tall man got a little closer to me. "Cause if you don't 2 very bad things will happen." I raised my eyebrow. "What very bad things?" " If you don't answer my question, then your friends will get hurt and you will too... But more badly damaged." I stared in horror. The fuck is wrong with them???? "Well then, it's obvious that you won't tell me..." The tall man brought out a small knife. Wait... That's a scaptel!!! Like Jack's!!! He brought it closer to my face. "Well, I guess you want the hard way..."
Kennedi's POV
I heard a loud scream from downstairs. Is that where Taylor is!?!? It must be!!! I need to help her!!! I looked over at Rachel. Poor girl... She's not the fighting type. She has a bloody nose and her arm has a long deep cut in it. Winter is trying to heal it at the best of her abilities. "Was that Taylor?" asked Winter. "Yeah... I think so." "Well it was much louder than Rachel's..." She paused, her face darkening. We are all not in the best shape. I have a deep long cut in my right leg, Winter had her head smashed into the wall multiple times and it is now bleeding, and god knows what is happening to Taylor! God... We need help to come fast... Please Ben,Slender, Jack,Jeff,anyone! Please! We need help! Help? We need all the help we can get! Then I heard a really loud blood-curdling scream. It was louder than the first time. I could tell that time, that was Taylor... Oh god!!!! Help!!!!! Help!!!!! We need help!!!!

Hiiiiiiiiiii! Yeah yeah, I know it got really dark.... I'm sorry, but something good will happen in the next chapter. Oops... Spoiler alert!!!! Anyway here you guys go since I didn't upload for a long time.... Well bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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