New Pastas

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Rachel's POV
Jack carried Taylor out. Hoodie carried Winter cause she was starting to get dizzy. CrookedMan wanted to carry me but I was fine. We all walked out of this hell hole and back into the woods. Slender then teleported us back to the mansion. Jack ran into his study with Taylor and Hoodie followed. "Please Kennedi!" "Ben! I'm fine! Ok!?" Ben was bugging Kennedi cause of her leg but Jack healed it already. Crooked walked in the kitchen and I followed. He hugged me. "Im so glad you're ok..." I smiled. "I am too."

Kennedi's POV
Omg... Ben won't stop bugging me. "Ben! Really, I'm fine!" He looked at me. "No you aren't!" Omg... Ben has never been this protective. But I was worried about Winter and Taylor. Curse those men... Hurting my friends... The thought of them made me shiver. I walked away from Ben and went to Slendy. "Hey Sendy?" "Yes child?" "Is Taylor and Winter fine?" "They will live." "Ok... Thanks." I don't know why but it was real awkward talking to him... I wonder why... Oh well. I was about to walk back to the living room but Jeff pushed me back. "What the hell Jeff? Let me through!" "No!" "Why?" "Cause Slendy's brothers are coming..." I looked at him. "Why is that a problem?" He looked at me. "Never mind... Just stay back... Ok?" I scoffed and walked back. Jeff can be a pain in the ass sometimes. I saw Rachel sitting on the floor. I walked over to her and sat down. "How are Taylor and Winter?" she asked. "Oh! They're fine... Slender said they'll live." "Oh... Ok." We sat there for a while until we heard the doors open. "Hello world!" Me and Rachel laughed quietly. "That sounds like Ethan..." I said laughing. We peaked around the corner and saw 3 tall guys. One had an actual face and was wearing a jacket that had a bunch of pokadots. Another one had a black trench coat and a fedora. The last one had a formal tan shirt and black dress pants and also had glasses. "Hi!!!! Jeff!!!!" said the pokadot one. He waved to Jeff and Jeff flipped him off. Ben looked our way and mouthed to us to get out of sight. I shook my head no. Then Ben came over and pushed us away. "Ow...." said Rachel. "Ben? What's over there?" we looked up at him and he looked worried. "Uh... nothing!" then he looked back at us. He whispered," just trust me and stay out of sight, ok?" "Why?" I asked. " I'll tell you later just go." He left and me and Rachel walked away. " I wonder about Taylor and Winter... Are they still in the study?" asked Rachel. "I guess..."

Time skip brought to you by a flying pikachu!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After a while Jeff told us that we can go to our rooms. He told us to stay away from the 3 men we saw earlier. We agreed and walked upstairs. We all now shared a room. Rachel sleeps with Taylor on the bottom bed and Taylor sleeps on the top. The same for me and Winter. We sat on our beds. It seemed really lonely without the other 2. Then the door started to open. We looked at each other and we quickly hide under the double beds. I looked up to see the one tall guy with glasses. "Hey, this room is soooo out of style." Then the one with the fedora came in. "This looks like a girls room..." Then Ben came in. "Hey! Get out!" "Why is there a girls room when you only have 2 girls?" Ben stood there quietly. Then Toby came and tapped his shoulder. "Hey... Winter is fine but Taylor needs to see Slender... Where is he?" Ben shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno, can't tell ya." The two tall guys stood there. The fedora one was looking around. Please don't look under the beds... Please don't look under the beds... Then I a tentacle wrapped around my leg. I squeaked and then I was pulled from my hiding spot. I was held upside down by the fedora man (pffff.... Haha! I like his nickname already!!!!). Then Rachel came out. "Uh..... Hi?" Then the 2 guys looked back at Ben. Ben stood there shocked and nervous. "Uh.... Does that answer your question?" The fedora man smiled and shook his head. "Um... Sir? Can ya put me down now? My head hurts..." "Sorry..." He put me down and I ran out of the room with Rachel. I see Slender and run to him. "Slendy! Can I see Taylor?" "Sure." I fist pumped the air and ran toward the study. I opened it to find Taylor sitting on a little metal table talking to Jack. She turned her head away. "Hi Taylor! Are you ok?" She didn't answer. "She is fine but she's embarrassed that she doesn't have her left eye." I nodded my head and hugged my friend. "Is she ok?" I asked Jack. "She's fine but the world is now blurry to her." Well that sucks... I looked at my friend and she turned her head toward me. Wow... She looks so different... I felt sad for her. She didn't deserve any of this! I hugged her tighter. She started to cry. Jack whispered to me that I should leave now. I nodded and said bye to Taylor. I walked out the door and was stopped by the pokadot guy. "Hi!" he said really loud. "Uh... Hi?" I could tell this is going to be a long week... Oh, joy....

Hey people's!!!! I updated!!!!! So I did have writers block for awhile now but I updated so there!!!!! So.... Bye for now!!!!

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