Just a Friendly Kiss

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After I came back home, everybody was always watching me wherever I go. Omg, you guys, I know I ran away, but seriously?!?!? I sighed and walked upstairs. I haven't seen my friends for awhile. "I wonder what they're doing." I was standing in the middle of the room when I heard a knock. "Yes?" I didn't turn around to see who it was. Then I got hugged from behind. I jumped. "Hahaha... Did I scare you, Taylor?" I blushed and nodded my head. I turned around to be face to face with Jack. "Haha... Hi." I hugged him back, feeling his warmth. "Hey, dinner is almost ready, ok?" I nodded my head acknowledging his question. We stayed like that hugging for a while until Slender called us for dinner. He kissed my forehead and we walked downstairs to the kitchen. We sat down next to each other and quietly ate. It was my turn to help Slender with the dishes. (Yeeeaaah! Chores!!!!! Sarcasm....) "Child. You look troubled. Is something wrong?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at him. "Yeah, I'm fine..." (You all know that's a lie) I trailed off my sentence. Sender stared at me like he didn't believe me. (Well... No duh...) "Child, something is wrong. Don't lie to me." I sigh knowing that I can't keep my thoughts to myself. "Slender... When I was at that house, before Toby found me, I-I was chained to the bed... And everything was gone..." He stared at me. "...and your wondering why you were chained up to the bed?" I hate it when he interrupts my sentences. "*sigh, yes." I went back to cleaning the dishes. Do you have any ideas of who chained you? He asked me in my mind. I sighed. No. No I don't. I really have no idea who did. He didn't press the issue any further knowing that I really didn't want to talk about it. When we finished, I walked up to my room.

Slender's POV
Taylor went to her room. But she hasn't came out in a while. Her problem seems to trouble her greatly. I wonder... "Jack!" He came into the living room eating a kidney. "Jack, go see if Taylor is ok." "Alright!" He ran upstairs to her room.

I heard a knock at my door. "Hey Taylor! It's me, Jack!" I opened the door and let Jack in. "Hey Taylor." "Hi..."

Jack's POV
"Hi..." She didn't seem all happy like she usually is. "Hey, you alright? You don't seem like yourself." She looked up at me with eyes that looked stressed. "Yeah... I'm fine..." I started to get impatient. I know she's hiding something from me... I wrapped her in a hug. "Taylor... You can tell me." "I already told Slender ok?" She seemed annoyed. "I don't know who chained me!" She seemed really stressed. "Hey! It's ok! Chill." "No! It's not ok! I'm scared of what would've happened if Toby didn't come!" She stared at the wall as trying to figure out what would've happened. "Hey... Don't think about that." I hugged her harder. (That's wut she said...) "Do you have any suggestions of who did it?" She sniffed. "Well, now that I think about... It could've been... Oh... What was his name?" She seemed to be thing very hard abo- wait. Did she say "his"? Like in... A guy? "Oh! His name was Mike!" She smiled in confidence. God, she's so cute... Oh, wait. Get back on track! "Um, who is Mike?" She looks at me. "Oh!! Mike was a 17 year old who opened the door while I was showe-" she stopped her sentence while looking terrified. "Um... Taylor? Are you ok?" She looks at me with big round eyes. (You thought something else didn't you? Perverts...) "U-Um........." She looks down quickly. I'm so confused about her. "Taylor...? What did he do?" Why do I get the feeling that something happened? "N-No! I won't tell you!" She yells at me. I was taken back by surprise. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell at you..." *sigh* She's so difficult. "N-Never mind... I'm ok now!" I see her smile at me but I can still see the stressed look in her. I take it knowing that I'll get nowhere. She hugs me and mumbles into my chest. "Really... I'm fine. Don't worry!" I pull her away from the hug and smile. Then I lean in and kiss her. (Not surprising...) We stayed kissing each other for awhile... Hahaha! (Sorry... Don't know why I did that... >_<)

Slender's POV
I guess everything is fine with Taylor. *sigh* it is 12:01 at night (duh.) and I'm still awake... Why? I don't know. I walk upstairs to go to bed but I pass Taylor's room. I quietly look to see if she was sleeping. (No... He ain't creeping... Wait... That was a HORRIBLE pun... >_<) I laugh at what I see. Taylor and Jack sleeping with each other. ( dawwwwwww!) I really guess she is fine. I walk out and into my own bed and sleep. (Hey, they have to sleep sometimes! Don't even ASK how Jeff sleeps!)

Well, here ha go guys! ( and gals) enjoy!

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