Going Home?

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Ok, I just love Mama Tad!!! >U<
I walked for a mile down the road with my head down. I couldn't tell where I was or where I was. I wonder if they noticed if that I was gone. I wonder where I am. As I kept walking, I noticed a median like house in the distance. I ignored it and kept walking. "Hey! Hey young lady!" I turned around and saw a man waving at me. I stared at him and waved back. I started to walk again then I heard, "Wait!!! Lady!! Come back!!" I stopped. Should I? Should I trust a stranger? I looked back at him. He seems nice... But we are in a generation where people can lie very easily. As I was in thought, he ran up to me. "Hey, are you ok? I saw ya walking back there and you look tired. Why don't you stay at my place for awhile. Ok?" I stared at him for a bit. Then I took a deep breath and nodded my head. We walked back to his house and he showed me where I would sleep. Then a little girl came running out of her room laughing. She reminds me of Sally... *sigh* I went in the room and took my shoes off. Then a woman came in. "Um, I have dinner ready if you would like to. You look as if you hadn't eaten in a while." I stared at her for a minute and then I shook my head yes. She nodded and I followed her downstairs. I sat down and ate the food. Hm not bad... Then everyone sat down. "Ok, everybody, we have a new guest. Say hello to her." I looked up to see the same little girl from earlier and a little boy the same age. "Hi!!!!" The little girl basically yelled at me. I waved back. "Does she talk mommy?" asked the little boy. "I'm sure she does sweetie. She probably isn't comfortable talking to us right now." "Why?" "She doesn't know us so she isn't talking ok?" They both nodded and went back to eating. A boy around my age ( by the way, in this story, I'm 17 ok?) walked in. "Um, sweetie, you're late for dinner." He didn't answer. He sat down and looked at me. "Who is she?" "Well, if you were here, you would know why she is here." said the man. He scoffed and ate his dinner. "I'm sorry, he can be... Difficult sometimes." "That's ok." The little girl and boy were shocked. "She spoke!!!!!" I smiled and looked at the boy. He stared at me and then ate his food. After the dinner I went up to my room. I was going to get in the shower but then I heard a knock at my door. I rapped the towel around my naked body and opened the door. I peeked my head out and saw the boy. "Hi..." "Um, hi? What do you need?" I asked. "Um, I just wanted to say hi. Um, my name is Mike." Hm... Mike... Cool name. I smiled at him. "My name is Taylor... Nice to meet you. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a shower..." After my sentence, he walked into his room... I think. I walked into the bathroom and put the towel on the toilet and I got in. I washed my hair and my body and I got out. Good thing I brought clothes with me! I started to dry off... ( you know it's coming...) then the door opened. It was... Mike? I covered my body with the little towel and screamed. He looked up surprised. "I-I-I'm sorry!!!!! I didn't know you were in this bathroom!!! I thought you were in the other one!!!!" He walked out and slammed the door. I stood there frozen. Did he not hear the water running?!? At lease he didn't stop to stare and make the situation more awkward... I finished drying off and put my clothes on. I walked out and I laid down in the bed. My eyelids started to get heavy and they closed making me fall asleep.

I woke up to see the moon lighting up my room. I looked around but something was missing in the room. Everything was missing but the bed and my bag beside me. Weird... Why are they gone??? I was about to get up, but I couldn't. I looked down to see my ankle cuffed to the bed. The hell???? Why???? My door opened and I saw a dog come in. Why did this dog come in??? Oh, wait! This is the family dog! Why is he in here? I looked at the dog. He looked at me. He looked at my ankle and went to it. He bit it and broke it. He came back to me and sat down. I could see the look in his eyes that he wanted me to follow him. "Ok boy, let's go!" He got up and walked downstairs. I followed but then I stopped. "Why did this dog come to me?" I stood there questioning my question. The dog came back and barked. I snapped out of my trace and followed. I went down stairs only to be tackled by the dog. "Aaahhhhhhh! What are you doing???" Then I saw a big smile on the dog. "Wait... Smile?" He wagged his tail and licked my face. "Woah... Calm down! Why are you here?" He just looked at me. Then I heard footsteps. Smile got off and ran to the kitchen. He came back with... Someone? "W-W-Who are you?!?" He kinda looked my age. He smiled then he picked up an axe- wait an axe? "Omg! Taylor!" Yep. It was Toby. "T-Toby? What are you doing here?!?" "I was going to kill...." "Well don't... Not this family. They helped me." He stared at me. "Ok!" "Everybody is sooooo worried about you! Why did you leave????" I stared at him. "I-I-I didn't think nobody cared about me..." I looked down in embarrassment. "Taylor..." Then we heard footsteps from upstairs. "We better go outside..." I nodded in agreement and walked outside. We sat down on the porch. He then hugged me. "Awwww... Taylor.... We still cared for you... We just had to take care of Slender's brothers and find them a room." "What about Jack?" "Well, he's the same as all ways! Always smiling and laugh-" "Toby, I mean Eyeless Jack." "Oh... Sorry... But um, he's been acting weird." "Did he worry about me?" "I dunno... He hasn't came out of his room for a while..." I sighed. "It's ok Taylor! Me and Smile will take you back!" I stared at the ground. "Hey! Don't worry! We won't be mad at you! Come on!" "Wait!" "Hm?" "Let me tell them." I ran back in the house and wrote a note to the family. I grabbed my bag and walked with Toby back to the woods.
I wonder who cuffed me to the bed?

Haiiiiii! Ok, here you go! I have nothing else to say so byeeee!!!

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